Hi guys im new to the International Harvester CUB CADET forum.I sure hope you guys know what your getting me
into.About a month ago,the transmission went out on a chain store
MTD.To me MTD stands for My Tractor Died.I was told the tranny is non serviceable so i started looking on Ebay for a tranny.I kept seeing these old cub cadets that were still in
operation.These things look like they were built like
tanks.The only problem I have is all of them for sale were simply too far away.I live in Southern Louisiana and no one nearby is really doing anything with old cub
cadets.By now I'm hooked.Everybody I talked to during the day I asked if they knew any body with an old cub cadet they want to
sell.One day going on a wild goose chase for a cub,"which didn't exist by the way,"I spotted yellow and white sitting in tall grass on the side of a
barn.It was time to lock up the brakes,do a u-turn,and knock on the
door.Come to find out,it was a 1450,that didn't belong to the guy whose door i was knocking
on.It had been sitting there two years with the spindles frozen solid,the engine ran,and needless to say the tranny
pulled.Four days later the cub is sitting at my house.
.I have ordered all manuals that is suggested,but something inside of me just can't wait to touch
it.At this time I would like to give special thanks to Art Aytay on his instructions for servicing the
tranny.It really was alot of fun popping those eleven
wheelies.It really is ashame i don't have any neighbors living close enough to have witnessed
them.So far this has been a fun project.I'm sure I will have problems in the future,and will need help from you guys.I would like to say thanks to you all for introducing me to the IH CUB.Without reading in advance about cubs here and seeing the information you share,I probably would not have ever gotten my very own IH Cub.