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Archive through May 03, 2019

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I'm not sure which Gorilla glue you'd use, certainly not the foam up stuff. I'd be concerned on thin lapels using any thick glue, it'd be difficult to get the label smoothed down. Personally for something like a sticker, I'd go with a rubber cement, like Dap/Weldwood or Elmers. They come in small bottles with a brush attached to the top.

As far as the handle, I'd use a two part epoxy..
Did IH ever make a guide or a book how to install the rear pto on a wide frame? My engagement lever is on the frame between the fender, some times I can engage the pto on how the tractor is positioned but I can’t always engage it. I seen photos of the lever being on the tunnel cover but never between the fender
thank you for the info guys its running now I replaced the coil then the condenser finally replaced the plug wire !! that was it, it was old stuff from 74 so I guess it was time lol . thx again Mike
Has anyone put the 6.5-8 Firestone tri ribbed tires miller tire sells on a cub with a loader and noticed a improvement with the steering? About to restore a 149 with a danco loader and as of now the steering is terrible, loaded bucket or empty bucket. I did notice someone did the bearing mod to the steering box, but also noticed the cross member is cracked where the box is bolted(yes that is gonna get some love with I tear down for painting and what not. Plus I suspect the box internally is gonna need some love too.
Doug F.
They make a world of difference!
What did you do with the spindles 1 inch mod with real hubs with over the road trailer style bearings? Did you run it with the original 3/4 spindles and tri rib tires? Really like the tri rib tire look! I think I am sold on it.