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Archive through March 20, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Kirk, Yes...very lucky son. Those KTM's are good bikes and very popular at hare scrambles. I was looking at Yamaha WR250 then went to an ATK dealer......sold. ATK's are also in the $8000-$10000 range but once you really look at what they are you get what you pay for. They are limited production pure bred race bikes with the best of everything. They have a web site atkusa.com Haven't seen the BMW yet but will be lookin this afternoon

Before I get myself in trouble I did get a 301 closer to being ready for the 73. Our little one drove the 73 around the yard for most of the day but I doesn't want to charge for some reason, probably has something to do with harness getting sucked into the driveshaft
Finally got the 1450 to fire also. Carb kit will help a ton then I can get the hydro linkages all adjusted.
About those wheel weights you posted on the 16th. I've got a pair just like 'um. Hank Will has a picture on pg. 25 of his new book Garden Tractors that shows a 1954 Bolens with these same weights on it.

Take a long screw driver and put the end on the block and the other in your ear. This will work like a stethoscope and you should be able to tell whether the noise is coming from inside the engine. Move it around on the block and see which area is loudest if it is inside. Should give you an idea where to look.
I remember reading on here about someone's wiring harness getting wrapped around a driveshaft. Forgot it was yours. The last thing I did to my son's tractor was to bolt the clip on that holds the harness to the inside of the frame away from the driveshaft.
hello guys thanks for them comments and the frame and some other parts will be sprayed with new paint on monday(boss is home on weekends lol).

tim keefe (Tkeefe) I just noticed you sw on that 100. Must be hard to do much with out a wheel.But you will get the job done a 100 is a good Cub i like them. Later Don T
hehehe I would have been alright except the sleeving I put over the harness was a wee bit big. I have several zip ties around it now, when I yank the engine for the swap I will do a better job of getting it tucked in. Had to drag the crash cart across the yard to where the 73 quit today and looked it over, pretty sure the field wire is broke inside. Something about it doesn't look right.
Don T., maybe someone has an old bicycle handlebar they can lend him.

Isn't that kinda the way they make senior citizen travel carts?
Luckily this job requires lots of back and forth and not much steering. Got a call in to one of our fine sponsors.
So my wife and I go out for ride on this nice spring day and stop by a garage sale with a nifty 102 all original with wheel weights and creeper in it. The guy says he's asking 400 for it but would take 350. Figuring that it might not sell I take his number down to check later today/tonight. Well I'll be dipped in ---- if I can't find the paper with the phone #! SOB!!!
Tom H., besides the obvious places to look..check the back of the car seats ? Maybe for a 'safe place' its in your wallet?? Guess you'll have to take another ride tomorrow.