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Archive through March 16, 2012

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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well guys i got paint on my daughters(almost 3 years old )cub 72

yes pink
Frank C

The wife has a girl friend from work drop in for today and I went to my Shop as to not be in the way. I was not pleased what I found when I came in here. dang tractor is leaking OIL. I did install a new paper gasket and now i`ll pull the 12K for some Rightstuff and never use paper again.I might as well do the static tomming when I have it out.

The wife made me happy when she said go work on your Cubs if you want something to do.
DON - Is it leaking between the block & alum blower plate? That's the only place I can think of with a paper gasket. There's several gaskets in the kit actually, you use the different thickness's of gaskets to set the free play of the crankshaft, typically you need 2-3 to get it right. I always use a thin swipe of some gasket sealer on them.

Or is it the oil pan gasket?
just making my 129 do a little work, this is going to be tha goat shelter while in their grazing pen

Dennis Frisk

I`am sure it is the base pan gasket, It is hard to see and I will know in and 20 minutes when I get it pulled out and have a better look.


I wish I would have added the oil while the 12 K was on my bench . I would have seen the leak before the install.
Mike F - will you have an ole blue tarp?

Charlie - I thought you weren't getting all the goodies home until next week.

Chris R - if that is your daughter's CC72 then who owns the SS Camaro in the garage?

Frank, Wayne and Jeremiah - I think we all expect to hear/see Don post something about every day, and so when he mentioned he was taking the weekend off my fever started to pick up. Glad to see him post a few tidbits. To bad about his oil leak but we know he'll get it fixed.

Don T - I'm right there with Jeremiah. Your posting of your problems and also posting pics is great for everyone to see and learn the resolutions. Many have not experienced what you're going thru. Some may have on different models. You're V/R was especially interesting to me since I was pretty certain you could use a 4 terminal version where 3 had been originally used and vice versa. I'm certain we all wish you the best in getting your problems fixed, and we know since you're north of the border it's just a little more involved. I think it has something to do with less daylight, and stronger magnetic pull being closer to the N Pole.

Hydro Harry
Old Cubs Never Die (and some black gold north of the border might be a CC staking out its new territory)
Well guys I was correct in the base gasket leaking, I found it dry up by the block & alum blower plate. So I will remove the pan and glue it back on with the Right Stuff (permatex). I was glad it was not the other gasket .


I`am getting faster at this engine removal job lol. I have to LOL because I wish I could remember all I did know !

that is my 68 camaro

been shown before but made some peopl emade cause it isnt a Cub
First time this year to get most of the Cubs out of the garage just to play around. Mowing season in Central Indiana is about here. I will be reducing the number this summer as my truck had to set out this past winter. I am open to suggestions as to how to do this. It is going to be hard to let any of them go. I even thought about getting a carport or building another place to store them, but can't get my self to do this. I really do need to let some of them go.

William - I started a thread in the Sandbox "My next Cub will be . . . "; maybe you need to start one, "Which Cub shall I sell ? ? ?" You may get some input to help you make a decision. For me, when I get a new Cub it is going to be a narrow frame gear drive. I'm leaning toward a 70/71/72/73 because they kept the steel console and round fenders so much longer than the larger HP models. I wouldn't have come to this conclusion without getting feedback from other forum members.

I see you have a preponderance of wide frames, but never have I seen them in so many colors.
Here's my suggestions for all you guys wondering about the changing seasons or changing CC's or changing whatever it may be.

Don T - glad to see you left the wiring harness connected to the V/R. That's one sure-fire way to know it's still correct.

William B - you're leaning in the wrong direction. Best thing to do is sell the truck so you have more space in the garage.

Chris R - I may have missed it before but glad to see there is no question on the ownership. I sure hope that isn't just an add on emblem.

Jeremiah - if you're going for the Gusto, then make it a model 70!!!!! But if you can find a 10hp, make it a 100!!!!!! The round fenders make it seem like it's still the "50's" even tho they didn't build'm till the 60's.

Hydro Harry
Old Cubs Never Die (keep'm all guys)
Harry.. Blue Tarp? I am not embarrased or trying to hide it. And Charlie is to far away to snap it up. You'll just have to wait another 24 hours for an answer to your burning questions! rofl..
Jeremiah C and Harry B - my thanks for your input. I need my truck and trailer to take Cubs to parades. I do like the wide frames. I have had many narrow frames through the years. At the present, I only have a model 125, actually it is a 145 as it now has a 14 hp on it. I think I can let the 86 and the 109 go easier than any of the others. I already sold a 129 and a 1604 this past month. I'm already in withdrawals.


Around the first of the week there was 6 cub cadets on craigslist, Seattle. 3 running and 3 parts. I could use another starter/generator.
I let 2 friends drive the 127, one said" you could get in a wreck" and "now I understand why guys like hydros" the other guy said" it needs a seat belt" They were both impressed with the speed.
William if it was me I would hold onto that 86...
Ok guys, we got some more snow here in Seattle tonite. It's heading east and should make Chicago about mid-week, and then the east coast by the end of the week before it makes the turn north to cross the border into Donnie T's territory. Don't say I didn't warn ya.

Mike F - back in the day when the Reverend was on here, he was always saying you never know what you'll find under an ole blue tarp. They ain't for hidin, wrong color. They're just for protecting from the elements.

William B - well, I guess if the truck has to stay, then the next thing I'd look into is that thing about 24' wide that I can see in the picture with your truck. It's a little distance away but has a big open door. And if that don't work, and something just has to go, it'd be the 109. I see a sorta tell tale sign on the frame directly below the air cleaner. Ya better get some ***** and span and work it on the side of the frame there. And while you're at it I'd also remove those big yeller spots on the rear wheels. They'd look better hanging on a nail in the garage.

Edward L - I'm gettin worried about you. You can only use one Starter/Generator at a time so I don't know why you'd need 2. It won't make it go any faster. And you really need to get some implements on that 127 to slow that speed down. I'd recommend at least gettin a cart attached to the back and use it to pick up the mail down at the end of the driveway. And check out that pic of Little Donnie T over in the For Sale section. If it's painted red it must go fast.

Hydro Harry
Old Cubs Never Die (and they sleep best in a nice warm garage)
Let me say that I enjoy the forum more than any other thing i use my confuser for.I figured out why Charlie went way up north. He finally found a place big enough to store all the cub stuff he owns.
I have a Question for this bunch of experts.I started to clean up a 44C deck and found a tag by the ser # plate with a Mfg. date. It says 1167G Did International plan and build that far in advance?
Sorry i don"t have a picture yet.

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