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Archive through March 09, 2018

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Jun 22, 2002
Park Rapids Mn.
Doug A.
Yep, and it's coming back OFF!!!!!!!!!
What a POS it's turned out to be.

So I take the old one off.
Go to put the new one on and find I have to take it apart, (no big deal) because of the front cross brace on the D.
So I get it on and it flops like a stuck pig on the crank!
So I call and want the air gap setting and get my A$$ chewed for taking it apart. I explained and sent pics showing why.
Then I get a call back from them saying it's gotta be a bad crank!
I went on to explain that I took a NOS one off the shelf and it fit perfect.
So Now I gotta take it all back apart, mic the crank and the bearing in the new PTO can call them back.
Once again, I get reprimanded for taking it apart!
Once again I told the guy to look at the pics and video I sent him explaining that the only way to put it on complete would be to take the engine loose. He said I didn't know what I was talking about!
At that point I kinda went off on him and said that he would be getting his POS PTO back first thing Monday morning!
Ugh. That's nasty Charlie.
Well looks like slim pickings at sale. Only a 129. I think I'll try to give it a new home anyway tomorrow
Kirk,Spot on with the Cub and pulling and resto,
Caleb and I started out in the pulling world with Cubs,
Got tired of running weekends pulling and it being way to competitive to win a $12 first place prize.
With us, the buying of junk piles and building running tractors with nice paint moved us into really liking this as a hobby, Then....we went to plow days, and the pulling went out the window and lug tires were for pulling one bottom plows and meeting great people.
ALOT of pulling parts can be incorporated into restoring and for everyday needs,
Also Caleb has now made a living working on lawn
and garden tractors,
he"s gotten to be quite an engine repair person.
By the way theres a big indoor pull in waterloo march 23 and 24th
if u want some info hit me up
I'm having some first time issues with the thrust button on a mechanical pto. All parts are in good shape and the thrust button is new. After installed the thrust button turns off center like in a wobble. I removed the pto, loosened the bolts, and slowly made sure everything was centered when put back together. After the second install it is doing the same thing. The bearing is installed like many I've done before. Everything seems to turn true except the thrust button and it's in the center hole of the springs plus the springs are centered as well.

I did convert this tractor (169) from a braking pto to the non-braking as I have done before on others. The pto release lever is from another wide frame too.

Any help will be appreciated.

On hydrostatic tractors. What denotes if it is electric or hydraulic lift option? Wide frame, narrow? Or whatever you prefer?

My 149 is hydraulic lift, my 127 is electric.
That 169 I saw on craigslist is manual? Seems strange to me.
Mick, I like your story of how Cub Cadets influenced your son's career. I will be sticking close to home with the pulling. It suddenly has become very popular in our area after being gone for 30-something years. We used to have to go out of town to the pulls also. But I cherish those years spent with my son when he was younger pulling our old stock class tractor. He's a very competitive moto-cross racer now and does most of the mechanic work on his bike. I like to think that pulling and helping dad wrench on Cub Cadets influenced his competitive edge and mechanical abilities. Cool thing will be the fact that he is the one who is gonna pull the new tractor tomorrow. He's 24 now and well things just have to be faster and louder!
Larry- Early narrow frames could be had with hydraulic lift via a belt driven pump. 1X6/7 series narrow frames had an option of electric lift. I think it was standard on the 147. Wide frames could get the optional hydraulic lift using a ported pump. It was standard on the 149. It was supposed to be standard on the 169 but there was a shortage of components so some got manual lifts. Of course people have adapted many systems to different tractors.
Larry, the 169 was supposed to come with hydraulic lift standard, however they were having a supply issue with some of the parts so quite a few were shipped with the manual lift. The good news is the manual lift 169s should have a ported hydrostatic pump.
Ok, since it's still OTF!

Question for you guys running 782D's and larger/newer, The bug/grass screen in front of the radiator, Do you take it off in the winter or leave it on?
Mine seems to catch a lot of snow to the point of blocking about all air flow, and I'm thinking it needs to come off to blow snow.

Got the PTO thing handled after I got the owner on the phone.
Seems that these fancy PTO's require .012 to .015 clearance/floppy/slop on the bushing because of the amount of torque these PTO's generate over OEM.
So I stuck it back on, torqued it down and gonna let'r fly and see what happens.
Digger I don't see the slop factor.
With that much clearance it looks like it'd wear out quick and throw the belt into a tizzy plus be hard on the crank.
Thanks guys. Saw the manual lift and wondered if it was maybe a mutt of various parts. I think I have an extra lift cylinder I bought years ago for a blade angle project that never worked out. Not that I need to even think about buying that 169!
OK Vietnam Vets don't freak out but
<font size="+1">CHARLEY'S WATCHING</font>
You couldn't post the 10 pound Brown Trout or the 9 pound Walleye could ya ... :}~
We use your pic for bait in KY !

47 pound caught by 14 year old girl in 2008.
Watch the temp gauge on the D. That cold blooded little kubota needs to get warmed up to run nice. Snow acts just like a winter front but not having to put one on!
Nate B.
It does go up a little past normal until I stop blowing for a minute or 3. That's why I was wondering about it blocking to much air.

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