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Archive through March 08, 2019

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Justin, I would say that the inside weights are fairly common. I have the same setup on my Original.
There is only one "inside" weight on that tractor. It is only on the "high side" (left wheel) for plowing with a mold-board plow. I don't know how common that is, but that set up seems to keep things balanced well.

Of course it always helps to use "body english" to help keep that top wheel planted as well.
My 782 seems to have survived me replacing the hydro unit input shaft bearings. I plowed my garden plot today. It was WAY too wet, but it is only going to get worse in the near future.


If all goes well, this thing is also within a week of moving under its own power:


Looks like you got a good start on the garden plot. That dirt looks like it would grow tomatoes big as basketballs.


It would if it would have that much moisture in it throughout the year. We are overdue for a dry summer this year.


Thanks! Couldn't really justify the cost at this point. Those rear tires are new and were $25 each from Surplus Center.


The stock air cleaner hits the firewall. Most people cut the housing, but then it draws in hot air from under the hood and helps the engine overheat. I added all of this to get some air that is not from under the hood. Here is the rest of it:


The elbow is a Kohler part. I made the adapter piece to mount it to the carb. There is a Kohler part that does this, but it's $100.


The air cleaner is from a Honda V-twin.

After I get it running, I'm going to rig it up with thermocouples to see how much the heat radiating off the muffler is warming the intake air. If it's too much, I have another idea to get the intake air from the flywheel shroud like the stock air cleaner does, but that will be a bit more complex.
That's a great design! I thought for sure you'd end up with a pair of NACA ducts wye'd together that seal to the bottom side of the hood through a set of 88series-style hood grilles. I'd do that myself, but with the stroker kit in my CH750, I need that space for a big oil cooler.
Lucked out this weekend and picked me up a pair of NOS Firestone 23’ Ag tires, ones made by Firestone before Miller picked up the mould

Mounted them on the 982 and can’t wait to get it out to see how they work!