Did that fella with the 302'd Lo-Boy have it listed as a "Boss 302"?? Boss 302's would have Cleveland-style heads with 4-bolts in the valve covers on the rail closest to the exhaust ports, not three like he has.
I guess even if he listed it as a "Cobra" 302, as in a '93-'95, motor it's still the same thing as a regular HO unless he kept the EEC-IV (and I see he still has some hair on his head, so that can't be the case
(Message edited by wcompton on March 09, 2004)
Did that fella with the 302'd Lo-Boy have it listed as a "Boss 302"?? Boss 302's would have Cleveland-style heads with 4-bolts in the valve covers on the rail closest to the exhaust ports, not three like he has.
I guess even if he listed it as a "Cobra" 302, as in a '93-'95, motor it's still the same thing as a regular HO unless he kept the EEC-IV (and I see he still has some hair on his head, so that can't be the case

(Message edited by wcompton on March 09, 2004)