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Archive through March 05, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Keeper of the Photos
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
Kraig McConaughey
Jeff, must be an Original or an early model 70. Which one of these does it look like? Fenders were optional on both the Original and the 70.




Model 70
original i think by looking at the pics .my breather is round and goes down not like the on on the 70 and i have no fenders.thanks
David and Kraig, I appreciate the info you both provided. Very helpful. (I believe you Kraig)

Jeff, here's the other side of an Original. By "breather" do you mean air filter?


that s mine i have the trans cove off 2nd gear is broken and i think the teeth are jamed on something where is a good place to find a book on line.ps THANKS A TON
Those pretty boxes at the top are you keys to acquire everything Cub related. They help support the site, and Binder Books will be more than happy to send you a manual. Quite frankly, I would have thought you would have gotten a (and I quote)
or a
by now...... but since you are a relative
, I'll bail you out....
Jeff, click on the "PARTS LOOKUP" button above, then enter cub cadet into the Model Name/Number and you can get exploded views of the various tractor parts assemblies and part numbers. If you are looking for a service manual click on the "Binder Books" button above, they should have them for sale.
geez louise!!
that's the first time i've seen them avail for download... cub gods may tremor,....
Scott Tanner, where have you been. There's all kinds of good free stuff on the "net"
Years ago I scanned TONS of stuff and gave away stacks of CDs full of Cub Cadet manuals and brochures scans. Haven't given many away lately, can't afford it anymore, postage went up and there are not as good of deals on blank CDs.
I and a couple other people scanned the files in that link and on some of the other Cub Cadet sites, one might come across on the web. Perhaps I should have signed my work....



I know that, but I got the impression that that practice was like kissing your sister on this forum....
With Kraig's response, It may well be... I'm sure those moderator guys will chime in....
Bill J.,Scott T and everyone else.
I've been putting a website together to have stuff for download for quite a while but it takes time to add stuff and also to scan manuals and such that Kraig and others have not done yet.
I asked for a little assistance a long time ago and only 2 guys stepped up to the plate,(Kraig & Myron) so we'll just have to wait till I get everything done and the site ready to launch.
So far I have in excess of 5 gigabytes of info, but I'm gettin closer everyday.

So to reply to your thought about that link being associated with this site, It is.


My Dad picked up some manuals for me last weekend, and one of them is for a slightly off-topic International gas-powered rototiller, can't remember the model. Let me know if you want me to scan that. Is this going to include IH power equipment other than just Cub Cadets?
well mister wrench is changing my 12 hp from my loader to my 149 so i can plow snow .Jim says hi