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Archive through June 26, 2018

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2006
Kraig / Andrew,
I believe they are also used with the Haban 60" deck.
Well, didn't pull the other deck apart as it is on the 127 and in service presently. Once measured and saw both decks were visually the same, I was going to just double order everything and once the 149 deck is complete(and put the front axle back under it) I can then put it back in service and work on the 127 deck.

Guess I better knock a spindle out from the 127 mower and make sure they are the same.

Even thought the center spindle is quiet on the 149, I'm replacing everything, including tensioner pulley.

As I mentioned, the 149 deck is U-1111(if that means anything).
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Going by the pricing, replacing the whole hub with a new design is going to cost 2.5x as much(for each deck) as just replacing the old style bearing assembly. I think the old style will suffice for my lifetime of use. Maybe if I used it commercially and needed to service it more often. For my property I think it is more cost effective to just put the old style back in.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

<font size="-1">Well, yeah, if you use all new parts. Aluminum housing spindles go cheap on ePay from time to time since they are used on a lot of different models. The bearings are cheap (LM11949, ~$10 or less for each bearing/race). I have ~$100 in my set of used spindles on my 44C. All but a couple of the bearings cleaned up well and I re-used them, so my biggest expense was new seals. They are good as new and will last quite awhile.

The ST745 bearings are probably not going to be around forever. Charlie has a good price on them now, but someday the supply will dry up.</font>
Thanks Matt. Didn't really even think about Greedpay or such to get used parts to start with.

If I was younger and thought I would need to fix it again I would put some thought into it. I think for what I need, the old style pieces will suffice. $200 and be done with it.

I do need to confirm the other deck has the old style hubs before I order two sets of everything.
Hi Working on a 149 cub cadet. Motor starts and runs good, however after about an hour mowing the motor will suddenly pull way down, shake and stall. It acts like it is heavily overloaded, but the mower deck is free. It will restart and run at low throttle after a try or two and then go back and mow as if nothing has happened. Hydro seems to work fine, but this has me stumped. Any ideas??
Larry, better off double checking. I had a 90's junk Murray that someone "upgraded" the spindle assembly to something like a JD 300 series deck used. Did not do it anywhere near right, fell off when I first turned the deck on. Sold them for more than I paid for the whole unit though, so was worth it.
There might be a few hickups in the coming days as we're switching the forum over to a Secure site setup.
LOL, since Google is freaking taking over the world these days, it becomes necessary to make some small effort to conform to the MAN on occasion.
So I have a guy that has bought 3 THREE rebuild kits and says NONE of the 3 were good!
I told him to send me his PTO so I could see it to find out what the problem was, and I'd re-build it for him.
And here IT is!


I'm thinking I know what THE main problem is!
Something doesn't look right. I haven't opened up a mechanical PTO before, but it looks off.

I just wear a pot on my head, serves as a helmet.
Charlie, that PTO looks to be just a wee bit out of adjustment. Is that friction disc loose in there?

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