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Archive through June 22, 2012

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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To anyone: What do you think that inventor was trying to resolve with that style button?????

Did he elaborate any on how it functions? It looks pretty involved. I'd like to know what that bar is for bolted to the front of the mule drive too.

This isn't your everyday PO.
I've got more pics coming.
He did send the serial number which makes it a 149, but he's off a tad on the number, 2050047U802264
I can not comment on the AQS engine in a JD because I don't know anything about JD's other than they are green/yellow, but it does seem I remember that Tim Delooza found something for a 800 engine from a JD dealer, but I'm thinking that it was the air cleaner, but I may be wrong. Age kinda gets in the way of my memory sometime..........
here is my sons 1961 original serial number 1042 and it only took me 2 yrs to restore it and i dont have the deck done but that is next other than that it has fenders creeper lights sleeve hitch with brinly adapter amp meter duals with the ih hub caps
Andrew - I had a pair of Carlisle 26-12.00X12's on my 982, but they were a different 26-12.00 than most people run, they seemed the same size or just a bit larger than my Firestones I have now.

Maybe somebody more familiar with the Carlisles can comment on how they compare size wise to the F'stones.

IH spaced the fender pans up only about an inch to fit the 26-12.00's, if you mount the tires and decide you need more clearance, you could just put a couple flat washers under the attaching bolts, think there's six of them... maybe need to use 1/4" longer bolts too.

Guy I bought my 982 from used a pair of 26-12.00's F'stones on his 782 with no modifications, the lugs got close to the fender lips, but no rubbing.
Put plow on new to me 147 today, so used the elec lift for the first time. Found that when I used lift toggle it would kill the engine. Wire from lift toggle where it joins up with positive cable of battery was all but gone so I cut it back and put a new end on and bolted it seperate to positive battery terminal. I think battery cable may be bad, but wonder if lift switch is bad? It did lift plow once or twice out of 10 times, all other times it killed engine. I may spring for a new wire harness, but in the meantime any ideas would be appreciated.

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