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Archive through June 22, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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DAVE - Wife was telling Me of an incident here around Madison, WI. recently where a 17 yr old was killed batting mailboxes. He started falling out of the car, the driver grabbed Him but swerved the car causing loss of control, hitting a tree. Driver walked away unscratched but the Kid in the window was killed. Buy a cheap mailbox for them to beat up and be done with it. Guy who's house We rented in Freeport had a 1/4" plate mailbox mounted on a grain auger spiral, but the shaft was 2"+ solid steel set in concrete 5 ft deep. I sure hope the Township Snow plow never hit it because it would have wrecked the plow!
The 261's out for the Grand Excursion between LaCrosse and the Quad Cities. Never quite caught whether it'll be coming up north of Dubuque on the IC&E tracks in Iowa or if the bridge at Dubuque has enough capacity to put in on the BNSF on the Wisconsin side. I'm hoping it comes up the Iowa side to cross as LaCrescent into LaCrosse. I was going to ride the 261 from Dubuque to LaCrosse until I found out how much $$$$ I had to lay down for anything short of a ride in the baggage car. There's riverboats supposedly coming up too if the water goes down enough. If the wife comes back home I might get to enjoy the tickets for an evening ride this weekend.

Found out something today, heads from a small-valve K321 have a smaller combustion chamber than K301's, BUT it's nothing that taking .025 off the gasket surface wouldn't change. I'll try to scan the information soon.
On the 16hp vibrating motors, is it possible that Kohler balanced the crankshaft and flywheel as an assembly?

Anyone that's been trying to get me on the phone, you're outta luck, dog ate my cell phone . . . or at least she tried.

It takes a try or two, but the folks at the phone insurance company will actually end up believing you.

(Message edited by wcompton on June 22, 2004)
Nice mailbox!

Around here, mailbox posts better be made out of 4X4 WOOD or else you're going to be taking them down and rebuilding them. He tried to nab me as mine is a 6X6, but being at the end of a small cul de sac I was able to convince the Postmaster that no 16yr olds would be doing 80mph and kill themselves on it.

'Course I think Dunham almost ripped the side of his truck off on it at the Spring Fling we had here a year and a half ago...
There is a garden tractor show this comming weekend at Ricelake Wi. it is part of the steam and gas engine show at the fair grounds.
Old garden tractors is the theam.
Dave K, that is an awesome story about the "solid" mailbox. I will keep that in mind...

BTW, I was looking through some IH Cub Cadet pics last night and I saw a picture of an Original, and a 70/100??? (pic was a close up of the frames) and under the Original it said something like "use for S/N under 65,000 (can't remember the exact hundreds tens and ones place... So what was the last S/N of the Originals that were headed down the line in 1963?

Art, I'd hate to see how well they "kick" cause I see this picture of you trying to kick in them and falling on your @$$ cause you lost your footing...
I just wanted to see if you were on the ball.
At least it wasn't in the FAQ.

Would you believe me if I told you that I knew I saw it somewhere, but couldn't remember where it was...

(Message edited by jrichardson on June 22, 2004)
Gentlemen: Please help -- I know nothing, need knowledge. I'd never had a small tractor so when I saw one at a yard sale I bought it, didn't know what it was, it just said IH on the front. The woman was moving and couldn't take it with her, it had been her grandfather's and she'd learned to drive on it, she didn't know if it'd run, etc. I brought it home, changed the oil, put in fresh gas and a battery and it started right up. I got onto the computer and typed in "International garden tractor" and the first thing that came up was the Cub Cadet site. I read through it, went out and checked the tractor, and found that it's a 1961, #5443. The first thing I'll do is get service manuals for the tractor and the engine and do all the maintenance that hasn't been done for probably 25 years. But I have a problem -- I don't need a snow "blade" (I did read the FAQ) because in Maine the roads are heavily salted and I wouldn't want any to get on my Cub, but I'll need a mower deck. I've seen some on eBay and I wonder if any of the triangular shaped ones from later models (70's? 100's) will fit on the Original, or if I'll have to find one of the Original's rectangular shaped ones -- and what would that one's model number be? Any information that y'all could provide would be greatly appreciated -- thanx in advance.
Ben M. -


The rectangular deck is pretty much known as the "38" timed deck" because of the cogged belt which kept the two blades from running into eachother.

You CAN put a 38" "cast iron end" deck (CI deck for short around here) on there BUT you will also need a PTO. Most of this stuff is available used and carries the appropriate price tag depending on how hard they are to find

Personally I'd rather deal with the sponsors here for parts...

Also, as far as manuals, you can't beat the CPE-2 implement parts manual for seeing what will fit on what and what's required to accomplish it.

<font size="-2">gee, it's been a LONG time since I've been able to push the CPE-2!</font>
Good evening gentle people.

Been a while since I've been here (post/lurk/back again) as I've had to parcel out some time for other "new home" projects.
I know...sorry excuse.

By way of re-introduction, I'm the present owner of the legendary Hydro Harry's "STP 122". (Once voted the ugliest 122 on here I believe) WITH I might add, the rare and much sought after #$%^&@* PITA clip-on 48" deck! (Harry- Howdy! if your still around here)

Of course it's like my grandfather's ax by now.
Engine's redone, new drive line, new brake; rebuilt steering, added a creeper from Don Vogt, new tires, rebuilt mower spindles, etc. etc.
And yes, the STP sticker is gone, though if I could find another......

So, the only thing bugging it now is the disconcerting habit of popping out of gear going up hill...and uphill is the only way you can go on my lot!

Could anyone home me in on the culprit of this problem before I tear the whole thing apart?

Thanks in advance!
Charlie -

Well, he DID say he read the FAQ (warmed the cockles of my heart right there!) and would be ordering the manuals, so how could I not welcome him?
Thanks for all the kind words guys. To show my appreciation you may want to check the classifieds.....
Ben, cool find on the Original... Some people on here think that the Original is my favorite, <not too sure why, or how that got started, ;) > but to get those parts needed for the adapter for the 38" CI deck, like Bryan said, will cost ya some dollars...

Now if you want to put a 42" CI deck (big brother for the 38") under the 7hp Original, you could REALLY tackle some 12" grass WOT in 3rd...
<inside joke>
Anybody going to the RPRU;
If they have the Surry, Sussex & Southampton #6 Steam Engine out Take a Pic of it and E-mail it to me Please. That Engine use to run in this area of Southeastern Virginia around the late 1800's and early 1900's
History: http://www.jim-fran.com/dendronva/sss_rr.html

with a 1200
in Southeastern Va

Yup, there is a reason that all of those state road signs have a 3/4" hole drilled thru the post near the ground........

As much as I hate kids and bats wacking mailboxes, I also don't want to have one come thru the windshield and kill me should I loose control on a winter road, etc.