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Archive through June 05, 2006

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2005
James Stouffer
Question checked archives cannot find answer my 1450 electric pto after hot soak almost stalls engine when engaging pulled apart over week end and clearance's where ok its a silver not black unit and my field coil insulation is cracked and wires exposed could this cause my concern also amp show large draw when this happens. When first using tractor works ok it acts upper after shutting off and restarting hot. Thanks for any help, Jim
James S. -

We don't have the disk space to keep EVERYTHING

This question seems to get asked every summer. The coils don't last forever. The cracking is a good sign that yours is pretty much done, as is the high draw. You'll need a new PTO coil. We have plenty of sponsors above that can get you fixed up.
Jerry H. - On Your slight miss when warming up.... When was the last ignition tune-up in Your tractor? It almost sounds like it's time for plugs & points/condensor, and maybe a plug wire.
Bobby B. - Worn crankshaft keyway is tough to repair. The crankshaft is cast iron so it can't be arc, or MIG or TIG welded. Well, O-K, It COULD, but it would cause more problems than it would solve. I have a K321 (14hp) crankshaft that had been brazed and then filed/ground back to shape and it ran for several years afterwards. I bought the engine used for rebuilding and don't know how long it was run after the repair. What happens on those larger engines is the key in the keyway isn't long enough. It was fine for 7 & 10 HP but those 12 & 14 hp single cylinder Kohlers have such a strong power pulse when the cylinder fires the whole drivetrain takes a beating. If You install a key about twice the length of what Your starter/generator/PTO drive pulley had it will last much longer. And keep the setcrews tight.

On the miss....been about 4 years for the plug, it looks ok. On the points/condenser....probably 8 years. Would plug, point/condenser cause a miss when cold, but be OK when warmed up?

On the plug wire...I think its the original

The bearing that failed was an IH bearing from what i remember. Maybe I will need to try doubling up the bearings. However, I have not been able to find a bearing of that size without the flange. Unless I gently grind off the flange I might need a spindle mod.
I just put my freshly rebuilt K341 through it's first mowing and I'm pretty sure I'm hearing a knock on the cam side.

The rod that came out was a STD. and the crank pin was with in spec. The replacement rod is a Stens 510-061, installed with the mark on the cam side.

The rod had some flash on the cap that hit the cam when it rotated by, I filed it clean and reinstalled, anyone ever run into this?
Just MHO here but I think you'll find that the Stens 215-210 will out last those sealed bearings.

BUT, you would be better off doing the steering/spindle upgrade for your loader tractor.

Or the next time your down this way I'll give you a whole mess of 1" bushings, LOL
Craig H,
Since Dennis didn't see a fireball in his western sky the other day he can assume that the 147 LP was brought back to life and seems to run a little on the hot side, so i think before I do to much, I'll get a couple repair kits and make sure things are perfect. I think it's gonna be kinda fun to have around.
Funny thing was when I first fired it, I pulled the choke out of habit. But since it wasn't hooked to anything, it dint do much good, LOL
I did look around to see if anyone was lookin too!
Thanks for the feed back. That was one of my concerns with the Honda. I'm a Kohler fan at heart, but the Honda crossed my mind. I am also looking at a OHC 18Hp Kohler. These engines are used,resonable priced and I know the history of the engines. For now I am going to put a seal in the KT and continue mowing until I have an engine in hand and all the parts I need to do the swap.

Does anybody have any comments on the OHC 18Hp Kohler?

Thanks again

I noticed that you were actually looking at the honda 20 hp, my father was looking at the 18hp... but still i would think that it still may be underpowered a bit.

From our research, the KT series motors arent really serviceable, or cost effective to do so(major overhaul, etc) The Magnum's are OK, but the Command series are heavier duty, and are more easily repairable if problems arise later on down the road...

If I didnt mention before, I have wiring diagrams for the Kohler Magnum or Command into the 782 if you need them
Ron S:

From your post, it sounds like you have "low volume". It could be that you have a restriction somewhere.

Here is a Pressure Check procedure from the WF service manual. This procedure is the same for the 82 series.

Here is a Sundstrand Hydro Drawing. In regards to the Charge Pump, the proper position is, when viewing the Hydro from the Input Shaft end, that the flat side be located on the LH side.

Colin: Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Magnum series the same engine as the KT Series II, except the Magnum's have electronic ignition, and a remote oil filter (which can be installed on the KT Series II also)?

The rest of the engine is basically identical, is it not?

I haven't needed to get a KT or Magnum rebuilt, so I don't know if it is 'cost effective' or not, but I'm not understanding what you mean by saying "the KT series motors arent really serviceable, or cost effective to do so(major overhaul, etc) The Magnum's are OK"??

I had the KT 17 Series II stripped down to pretty much a 'short block' when I was working on my 1712. I had no problems getting parts at all. Some of the mounting points/cover bolts were a PITA, but it wasn't like the engine itself wasn't 'serviceable'...........
JERRY H. - If You've put 20 gal. of gas thru a K301 already this year You put quite a few hours on it every year. In these old Kohlers plugs last about 250-300 operating hours so at 4 yrs old Your plug is due for replacement I think. Points & Condensor at 8 yrs is also due, I bet the points are pretty well pitted. And a new plug wire should be considered a "Wear Part" also. I bet a good tune-up and Your Kohler will run fine once again.
As long as the oil hole was on the camshaft side you should be ok as far as oiling the crank. Were the cam and crank endplays excessive? I set mine at the min. knowing they will get larger with wear. Kenny
Roland B,

Thanks for the info on my hydro problem. I too am thinking that there is a restriction somewhere. The Sundstrand pump diagram and info will be most helpful in determining whether or not my charge pump is installed correctly. I felt there had to be a way of checking the orientation visually. Aaahhh! Now I know, look for the flat side!!! I never noticed that before when looking at the pump nor have I seen it in any IH Service Manual. The manual says to make a mark on the charge pump and hydro body and to align them when reinstalling the charge pump.

Charlie/Kraig/Brian, this might be an item of useful information to include in the FAQ websites.
Dennis F.

Thanks for the comments. I'll check those points and plug. But you know........y'd think a good plug wire would last longer than 35 years.......

I installed it with the notched/marked side of the rod/cap facing the cam per the manual. I honestly don't remember where the oil hole was facing.

yeah, you're right, they're quite similar, i wasnt really awake when i typed that

the kt motors just are not as robust as some of the other kohlers... part of it dealing with series I/series II and the oil distribution system.

the 782 that Dad just put the command motor in went through 2 KT-17's (original, and a crate replacement by the time it was 10 years old)

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