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Archive through June 03, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Mark, I should point out what Bryan was hinting at. Most, if not all of us here don't consider the 1100 to be a true Cub Cadet garden tractor. It has a very different drive line then the true Cub Cadet GT, belts rather than a drive shaft and a very different transmission. Many of the 1100's out there make good donors for their sheet metal, just ask Travis. :eek:)
Well, it does have a drive shaft, but it has that 90° gear box to a drive belt to the transmission.
Yep, 1100's are more like the cheap old tractors built in Horicon minus That manufacturer's attempt at a variable speed drive. As Travis or Wyatt would say.... "A Donor" Speaking of "DONOR's" Wyatt... Still got EARL?
Thanks Kraig- I may go over tomorrow and shoot the guy a $1200. figure and see if he'll take it. I really want that 50 inch deck on the 1450 and wanted to make sure the carriage, or sub frame will work on both.
I own a IH Cub 123 and use it on a regular basis to mow my lawn. (Every week, 3 1/2 acres) I seem to go through pto clutches (rebuilt and new) quite frequently. I was wondering if anyone has put a hydraulic pump in place of the clutch and a hydraulic motor on the deck? If so, do you have any part #'s or recommendations?
Thanks in Advance!
Just curious, on the IHCC 782 with KT-17 Kohler twin-cylinder engine, what's the difference between a Series I and Series II engine? (other than an I)

Trying to bone up before I go Cub shopping this weekend.
Series I only fed oil pressure to the main bearings, and series II feeds the rods also. Series II can also have an oil filter.
The T-bird is doing a healthy share of work holding down a corner of a hay field
The Capri is garaged, the #1 Priority right now is the Wheatland. . . . . I'm in "PANIC MODE" already because even though the corn's not even 6" high, it always seems like it goes from knee-high to tasseling in a heartbeat, same goes for tasseling to maturity. IF I'm lucky, this weekend I may have my first delivery ready to my painter on Monday.

It'll be sheer joy to actually finish a project and hopefully that much more motivation to finish and enjoy the others.
Finally put to good use this afternoon something I haven't really used enough to appreciate; my Brinly universal toolbar with "ripper" shanks. The shanks aren't true ripper shanks, but just normal Brinly tool holders with a 1-3/4" shovel. The shovels I use are convex across the face rather than the flat that Brinly uses, they're readily available at my IH dealer, they're normally used with Vibra-Tine cultivators.

Anyways, used the ripper set to only go 1" deep to use as a sort of scarifier, after that I really kick myself for selling my IH landscape rake, but I raked up all the creeping charlie, then plowed up the yard, set the ripper to run deeper and broke up clods, then leveled it with my 54" blade. Tomorrow morning I'll take the pickup to get some bag manure, then HOPEFULLY I'll have a spot of grass started. I didn't get after the creeping charlie last fall, now it's EVERYWHERE.

(Message edited by wcompton on June 04, 2004)
As long as your rippin up the creepin freakin charlie and not suckin it up and burning it, you better do some pre charlie re-growth stuff.

Once each spring or in the fall is better for two years.

Dissolve eight ounces of Twenty Mule Team Borax into four ounces of warm water, then dilute it in 2 1/2 gallons of water. This should be sprayed evenly over 1,000 square feet of lawn, no more, no less.
Here is the grandson and I on the 107 for his indoctrination into Cub Cadets. He recently turned one (he was zero for a year)and I want him to start appreciating the finer things in life at an early age. He really enjoyed the ride around the yard (several laps) and after 30 minutes, still didn't want to get off. These are all very promising signs.
I think I ran low on oil and my 149 hydro just lost power and stopped. I couldn't start it again. Checked oil and it was low. Added oil and have let it sit to cool off. Scared to try it again. Have I likely fried it?
Already raked up as much as I could, burnt it, then sprayed it down with some stuff I mixed up out of some stuff when I had a subscription to some newsletter from Jerry Baker. Really hope the weather works out to plant grass this weekend. It'll be something I'm going to constantly be chasing, it's all over town.
I just finished welding brackets and re-furbishing my mower deck just to find out...

I guess my pto clutch is shot on my '68 125. doh!
It was shedding some metal bits, so I doubt it is rebuildable. I do I remove it?? How much is a replacement? Can I buy a brand new clutch?
Fred Ross , The 169 will be a little newer than a 1971 ,they were built late in production of that ser. probably 73 or 74 ,I have it wrote down some where.
If the 169 and 1450 both have 44 or 50 inch decks the stuff will intercahange . if by chance the 169 has a left over (from the earlyer 149 style tractors) 42 or 48" deck you will have to keep the carrage and decks together as a pair . The 44 and 50s have a off set center pully. hope this helps
I don't know what model Peerless the 1100 used, but I can tell you the axles are different than the one you have in your tractor. The 1100 only uses 3 bolts at the wheel attachment.

Quite often the 1100 is found with a gear or two blown out when the owners tried to use them as a garden tractor, which they are not.
Re my 1450 with drive line troubles:

Thanks for the reply Keith. You are right, my tractor does not have side panels. I’ll check the frame for cuts but the hood does have two notches cut out – one on each side - for the exhaust pipes.

I will be checking out the vertical cast arm as well, and check to see if I have disk brakes or internal. I will take some driveline and tranny pictures this weekend and post them.

Thanks again for all the advice- it is very helpful and I really appreciate it. The more I read about these tractors the more I am interested in them. Cool stuff!

Mark K
If you want to kill creping charlie use twice the recomended amount in a hose end sprayer of 2-4-D.It might yellow the grass but the creeping charlie will be gone.Creeping Charlie is of the mint family grows from the seeds and root system.

(Message edited by mmasheris on June 05, 2004)