Update on the 109.
I decided to install the bronze/brass PTO button on my 109 and mow with it a bit to further flesh out what I've got with this machine. Here's what I've found:
1. Can't get the PTO button down the hole - going to have to ream out the hole a tad. Probably has some build-up.
2. Had to run the 109 (carefully) with the mower PTO engaged at all times. Even with this extra load, the tractor started on the first crank - very easily.
3. I've still got some smoke at the rear of the engine on the carb side. One of the reasons I ran the tractor today was to get a better fix on where the smoke was coming from. It is white smoke - nothing blue or gray. It isn't from the belt, spindles, etc. I can't tell for sure, but it's almost pulsating - maybe coming from the crankcase breather. Question is - what's the problem if the breather is letting go visible smoke?
4. The engine seems very powerful. I've never mowed with a 10 hp engine, always 14 or 20 hp. Not sure what to expect from a 10 hp in terms of filling-up the 44" deck with grass before bogging things down or spinning the belt. Any comments/thoughts/experience on this combo 10hp/44" deck from a power standpoint? Do you really need more hp for mowing? I'm thinking this 10 hp ought to be somewhat thrifty on gas too.
5. The 44" deck doesn't throw the grass out very far. I think I might need the speed-up pulley to get more velocity. There's also a deflector at the end of the deck I could remove that probably would help too. Not sure if the speed-up pulley would cut into the engine hp and bog it down.
6. At the end of the mowing, the deck belt broke. The main deck to PTO belt is OK. As an aside - the belt covers appear to me as something more useful for collecting grass and moisture and rotting the deck. Any concerns (other than lawyer driven ones) for taking it off and leaving it?
7. Back to the smoke. It was more prevalent when I would unload the engine, i.e, stop forward movement or go from uncut to cut grass.
8. Steering wheel is loose at the top. It seems to have ridden out of the steel collar at the top. I need to investigate how to fix this.
9. The temp outside was 89 degrees F. It had been 100 earlier in the day and very humid. I waited for things to cool down a bit for both me and the tractor before mowing. Question is - what is the hottest outside temperature you run your tractor hard without concern?
It was GREAT to get some seat time today!