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Archive through July 21, 2012

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2008
Melody Schutz
All, I feel real bad about what happened to Don. But we all at some point stumbled on to this site looking for info on our cubs. I am now addicted and every chance I get I check it out. Not only for the info but also the entertainment. Sometimes you guys crack me up! Anyways, I don't believe it should be for members only
"Members Only" might have negative connotations for others.

We've been down that road before, but the one's that bitched, dint last long here or where they were before anyway!

If you ask me if I care what a NON MEMBER thinks, I think you all know what my answer would be!
Don sorry to hear about loosing the truck deal.I had that happen to me on a gun deal last month. Asked a guy about a gun and he went and bought it. He called a week later and wanted me to fix his tractor. I told him i didn't work for thieves. Personaly i would not vote for members only reading, but a members only section would be nice. Thanks everyone.
Further reflections on Don's Dilemma:
Our first reaction has been to find someone to blame, and the second reaction has been to try to punish someone. When you think about the incident, its difficult to find anyone behaving other than human.

1. Don is justifiably excited about finding a 5-speed diesel truck with a "California body" and posts about it on the forum. I can't blame him for that, even though he blames himself.

2. Somebody on the web is also searching for a truck with at least some of the same attributes as Don is telling us all about. I can't blame him for being resourceful and checking Don's info in his profile, tracking out a radius within the driving distance Don mentions and "finding" the truck.

3. The owner of the truck asks for more than a personal check. I can't really blame him, either.

Yet we all agree that what happened to Don is a tragedy.

Possible Actions to could be taken to prevent the tragedy:

1. Don doesn't post about prospective purchases again, EVER --problem solved.

2a. Members Only section created, casual surfers can't return the information posted; if Don or others post similar information again, the field of culprits is narrowed to members of the forum, whether they post or not (members who don't post are classified as "lurkers" and the activity of picking other's posts as "lurking").

2b. Alternatively, the forum becomes anonymous with everyone using "handles" and user information, while shared with the forum moderator(s), is not posted. This action breaks the link between posts and the actual "facts on the ground."

3. I don't know what can be done about the actions of the seller or the other buyer.

Reflecting on the appropriateness of proposed actions:

Action 1 --Not posting info to begin with-- Probably the best and easiest in practical terms;
Benefit: No possibility of info being picked, preserves the complete freedom of posting, the responsibility devolves solely upon the person doing the posting, no one else's freedom is affected.
Loss: Some of the spontaneity and "fellowship" of the site

Action 2a --Members Only Forum or Section-- Must be implemented by moderators not sure how hard it would be to implement, likely to be controversial --that is, not everyone will be happy.
Benefit: Keeps all or portions of the forum "out-of-view" of the public --thus affecting their freedom of access to "our" information
Loss: A subtle distinction between "just us" and "them" is introduced; similar to the "more equal than others" distinction in George Orwell's novel, "1984."

Action 2b --Anonymous or Disguised Users--
Benefit: Everyone can post as before, information can be shared, but the critical link to the "facts on the ground" is severed.
Loss: The nature of the forum is definitely altered. It would not be the same experience, I am sure.

Personal Reflections: I'm reminded of what one of the founding fathers told the Congress when he voted against a bill that legislated aid for a group of French immigrants, he didn't think the government should get into the charity business; he didn't feel that was a proper role of government. Likewise, it can be argued that it is not the proper role of the forum to protect people from themselves. No offence to Don, but as Charlie says, "Ya can't fix stupid."

I don't like the idea of anonymous/disguised users because having to post your REAL name requires making a commitment, it is the price of posting. Yet, I don't feel that paying that price necessarily "buys" anything other than the opportunity to find a solution to an urgent problem that needs requires immediate posting. I feel that a "reward" of a member's only section is appropriate and I would like to give it a try.

I empathize deeply with Don; I feel vulnerable and part of me wants protection.

Freedom isn't free. Isn't that what they say?
Jeremiah Chamberlin

Well I have to finish and set some things straight.Last week in a phone call I ask about payment for the truck as they did not want a cheque. we both deal at the Credit union just different branches and I ask to have a letter from my branch manage to cover the sale.That was not what they wanted. They wanted a certified cheque,Well I had to make an appointment for that and they knew it Monday(today) was the day.I know where the truck went and a friend at the register of moter vehicles can find out who bought it.It would be good to know in case I ever have to deal with them.More than likely I will see that truck around Nova Scotia ,this place is not that big lol.I will still look and see what I can find and will post AFTER I bring the truck home. Later Don T
All I can say is doun't count your chicken befroe they are hatched.
I've had almost the same situation happen here in the for sale section a couple times. Think I cut a deal and write the check only to find out the seller found it easier to sell it to someone closer - hence more profit for them! There goes the deal! I've had that experience twice now! It wouldn't matter if a member or not! Not everyone honors a deal, handshake or verbal!
Mike Frade

Well ,, I hear you! but that is not the way I was raised. things change I guess but not for the best! Later Don T
Don. You and I plus a lot of guys here I believe would be honorable and stick to the deal they made/make! Every once in awhile you run across someone who prefers the company of a dollar and turns their back on the rest of us. I won't lower myself to that level and just chalk it up to experience! I think that their karma will come back to haunt them...
Don T,
Are you sure the other person read your post on this site? Information travels fast these days and the other buyer could have seen it on any number of other tractor sites (JD probably). Is there any way you can find out? Got my curosity up.
Well after buying the Zturn and loading and unloading it everytime to take it to mow was a drag . So I found a deal on a 14' enclosed cargo hauler.I had been looking for some time. I now have more winter storage for Cubs and the Zturn.

Looking at the front kind a made me think when I saw the propane tanks !


This was used once a year for moose hunting !


Now I can haul my atv ,MC , or the Zturn and make lunch also.


wife bought a 5 day cooler last night getting ready for the first trip.I now have to list my flat (14')trailer for sale. Not bad shape for a 2006 gvw 7000 lbs .
Now you have a place to live when the wife gets pi$$ed at ya'.
Does that table on the left fold flat against the wall? it almost looks like it's built that way.
Tom Hoffman

The fifth wheel would be better for those times ( G ).

Dave Ross

Yes the grey supports fold back against the wall and then the table drops down.

I did get this at a great price and might have found the reason . I looked under it today to install some tie-down brackets to hold the zturn from moving and see That the front axle is bent up and back. Looks like it was towed and hit a rock and was bent.I will install a new front axel next week if it is a problem . I notice it did pull harder than it should behind my diesel truck. I will look at tire ware and that should tell me if I will have to replace the front axle. I felt all the bearing buiddies and they were just warm after the 35 mile tow home , but I will take everything apart and clean the bearing and re-grease them after inspecting the breaks.I was told the breaks were never used and the trailer was towed with a Ranger pickup.New here this would cost me $7000.00 plus 15% tax so with the less than half price I guess a few hundred to get it up to par is not that bad.Install a new battery 350 CA today and see the original was 02/07 and the road inspection ran out 12/07 .Tires don`t appear to be cracked but they are 6 years old and I might replace them. No spare so that will be some coin also. I bet I could get 4 or 5 cubs in it if needed lol. I will use it for storage this winter and for taking my MC on a trip we have planned. these really keep there value if kept in good shape and some day I will get most of the price I paid back ( I hope LOL ).
Guys I did learn a lesson with the truck and told no one where this cargo trailer was .
Don T, Good to see this one didn't get taken out from under you. Looks like a nice trailer. Good Luck with it.
Well guys I towed the trailer about 35 miles to home and today took the trailer for the road inspection . we found that the grease had all went hard and I need to replace three wheel bearings . I also ordered two 10' lengths of etrack and clips at $209.15 to be bolted to the floor. I did find a spare wheel and tire for $100.00 . So it looks like this after I get everything install I still will be under $4000.00 . not a bad deal at all.
Have my Trailer now set up to haul my Nomad MC or the cubs and the new Zero turn.I still need to find a good ramp and a spare wheel and tire .I install a roof vent and its is much cooler now inside with the vent open all the time and now rain can get in.Just bought a buffer so I can spread some wax on this and my fifth wheel camper.So much to do and so little time lol.


WOO! Didn't wanna say anything, but now that its in my driveway.. Lookee what I bought!!!!


It is a 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport with the in-line six and automatic transmission.