Marty, thanks for sharing how your bestest little girl came into your lives. I know how deeply it hurts to lose them, and years later it tears at our heart strings, so I appreciate your sharing. Thank goodness she made a ruckus like she did.!! It still stabs at my heart when I think about Baby Girl who we lost 4 years ago. She was my girl. I watched her being born and I was with her when she left this world, and even sharing that little tidbit stings my eyes.
Allen, I bet your were abit surprised with your 5 head count. Cute the april baby decided to camp in with the new little ones. She knows where theres a nice toasty bed and warm milk she can take advantage of. I guess I hadn't thought about kittens getting worms from the mommies milk,but everything down in that area is so closely connected, I suppose that could be the case and it seems with outdoor/homeless kitties new kittens usually have worms and flea's are a huge challenge which can be fatal too if not dealt with, Specially in the heat of summer. maybe because its so dry now the fleas's aren't surviving well either?
Marlin is working this Saturday morning so I had babysitting/tending to two furkids this morning. A friend who lives down the street, who is also a co-worker had to make an out of town trip for the company so he called Marlin and asked if he would take care of his furkids till he got home. He wasn't sure if he would even be home till sunday evening. Marlin took care of them after work yesterday, and I ran down this morning and let Duchess out( the terrier puppy, she's about 4 1/2) and Jasmine the kitty( her age ?). Jasmine never forgets me. Its been awhile since I had babysitting duties. I took my camera down so I could take some pics of them and when I went to take a pic of Duchess outside, on the deck, she totally freaked out and hid under a chair. She was petrified of the camera. She's certainly not a pose for the camera girl. Even when I was holding the camera to let her in the house..nope she would not go in, so I had to go in the house, set the camera down, and then let her in. I gave lovings to Jas and got food for Duchess and picked up the camera and took a pic of the kitty, which didnt turn out the best, and went to take a pic of puppy, and she growled and I said ' oh for goodness sakes Duchess, just stand still and look pretty for the camera" and she gave me the look you'll see in the pics I'll post later. Will try to get a better pic of Jasmine when I go down later this afternoon. I've never known a puppy to be afraid of camera's but she is. To funny.
Fancy is getting so fat, well lets say fatter with the warm, hunid weather. He doesnt even want to go out in the morning and run like the wind but he will go and sleep under the couch on the three season porch. I have to force Annie in or she would roast out there. One day the first part of the week, I thought she was in the house and so I shut the sliding glass door. Later I heard her meowing and happened to look towards the porch and there she was, locked out of the house. Now, when I go to close the slider, she beats it in the house which leads me up to yesterday. Annie was on the porch but came scrambling when I acted like I was closing the slider. I didnt see Fancy in his daddys recliner so I figured he was upstairs sleeping. I closed the door. A good hour later or so, Annie was at the door making noise and I said no you can't go back out, its to hot ( it wasn't as bad as it had been, as we were having a much cooler day) I looked and there sat Fancy, looking into the house. I had to laugh at the picture of his sorrowful look. I should have taken a pic.( duh an afterthought) so I opened the door and Annie started giving her daddy huge kisses and I said to her well if you want him to come in the house you best get out of his way so he can come in and she looked at me and backed up. Boy was she ever happy her daddy wasn't locked out anymore. She adores her daddy. He isn't her real daddy, but you may all remember when Fancy found her outside, all alone, 4 weeks old, sitting on a tarp in between the garage and house ? it will be 2 years in october. He was so happy and started acting like he WAS her daddy. He took such good care of her. That is another story unto itself.
Angel and the kitties