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Archive through July 17, 2012

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Frank, well perhaps its better if Miss Kitty went out " catting" as you call it, rather then her calling all the boys to your place. It might have gotten rather noisy there, and yicks, not soothing sounds as best. A girl's got to do what a girl has to do. ah, you set up a cot in the cub shed to wait for her. Just how darn precious is that, and I AM surprised you aren't meowing. You love that little girl. Perhaps you better go out and do your best tom cat call and see if she hears ya? well, maybe you better not. Your neighbors might be calling the authorities on you and I mean not the blue shirts but the white shirts.
sorry I couldnt resist. Hang in there. Sounds to me like she liked it pretty dang well there and you do know that a kitty has nine lives and I know she hasn't used but two up as of yet. And maybe its a good thing you didnt think skunk..sometimes innocence is bliss..or not?

Kitty for a nickname? that's cute. I've always loved kitties. I have a pic of me as a little one sitting in a laundry basket with a litter of kitties. guess I haven't changed much, but in size. I did have a CB handle years ago, although some might have taken it the wrong way, but I drove a continental and so I called myself the continentel kitten, and I called my mom Momma Cat although it sounds like we might have been selling something

angel and the kitties
Scott, gosh that's so sad that the little ones got the herpes virus from their mom when they were birthing. I know there is that virus in felines, but didn't realize it is passed to them when birthing. You had quite a job tending to the little ones. Its so amazing how a blind one can adapt and do so well. A cats hearing is so defined anyways, and suppose with Lovelys blindess it is much more so. I bet its a riot to see her leap and frolic. Thanks for sharing about the kids. The boys who passed had such a good life, and its so heart warming to hear you got a playmate for Lovely when they crossed and Jax sounds like a hoot and he sounds like Chewbacca? Wow..that has to be quite a combo when he's in motion.!! hahaha..

have a good week-end
Angel aka Cathleen ((smiles))
Just did the afternoon feeding run for the outdoor kitties, looked further in the shed into the box where the 4 new kittens are and counted 5 today ! As it turns out one of the April kittens moved in with the nubies. Temp is down to 65* today so I guess she got a little cold.
It was noted that some cats get herpies at birth, but also kittens can get worms from mothers milk ! Not sure how that works but a Vet said so about one of our cats a while back.

Man, that Miss Titsle is one more pretty cat! I bet it took a lot of Clorox to get her that white!


I might as well tell you the story of my friend.
One winter morning when we lived in the mobile home, I was lying on the couch watching the weather. It had snowed during the night. All of a sudden I heard a strange noise and asked the wife what was that racket? I said for her to look outside and see if she could see anything. She looked, and said there was a little dog with it's head stuck between the underpinning. She went out and got the puppy loose and brought it in. We figured it was trying to get under the house to get warm.
Upon closer inspection, we found out it was a girl and she had worms (her belly was swollen). We went and got supplies to take care of her, including worm medicine.
Another dropped animal rescued. I named her "Girl". She was the sweetest dog ever. She always had to give me a kiss on my cheek every time I went to feed her no matter how hard I tried to avoid it. She always managed to get me! She was my best friend for many years. It still hurts to talk about her, I sure miss her.
Marty, thanks for sharing how your bestest little girl came into your lives. I know how deeply it hurts to lose them, and years later it tears at our heart strings, so I appreciate your sharing. Thank goodness she made a ruckus like she did.!! It still stabs at my heart when I think about Baby Girl who we lost 4 years ago. She was my girl. I watched her being born and I was with her when she left this world, and even sharing that little tidbit stings my eyes.

Allen, I bet your were abit surprised with your 5 head count. Cute the april baby decided to camp in with the new little ones. She knows where theres a nice toasty bed and warm milk she can take advantage of. I guess I hadn't thought about kittens getting worms from the mommies milk,but everything down in that area is so closely connected, I suppose that could be the case and it seems with outdoor/homeless kitties new kittens usually have worms and flea's are a huge challenge which can be fatal too if not dealt with, Specially in the heat of summer. maybe because its so dry now the fleas's aren't surviving well either?

Marlin is working this Saturday morning so I had babysitting/tending to two furkids this morning. A friend who lives down the street, who is also a co-worker had to make an out of town trip for the company so he called Marlin and asked if he would take care of his furkids till he got home. He wasn't sure if he would even be home till sunday evening. Marlin took care of them after work yesterday, and I ran down this morning and let Duchess out( the terrier puppy, she's about 4 1/2) and Jasmine the kitty( her age ?). Jasmine never forgets me. Its been awhile since I had babysitting duties. I took my camera down so I could take some pics of them and when I went to take a pic of Duchess outside, on the deck, she totally freaked out and hid under a chair. She was petrified of the camera. She's certainly not a pose for the camera girl. Even when I was holding the camera to let her in the house..nope she would not go in, so I had to go in the house, set the camera down, and then let her in. I gave lovings to Jas and got food for Duchess and picked up the camera and took a pic of the kitty, which didnt turn out the best, and went to take a pic of puppy, and she growled and I said ' oh for goodness sakes Duchess, just stand still and look pretty for the camera" and she gave me the look you'll see in the pics I'll post later. Will try to get a better pic of Jasmine when I go down later this afternoon. I've never known a puppy to be afraid of camera's but she is. To funny.

Fancy is getting so fat, well lets say fatter with the warm, hunid weather. He doesnt even want to go out in the morning and run like the wind but he will go and sleep under the couch on the three season porch. I have to force Annie in or she would roast out there. One day the first part of the week, I thought she was in the house and so I shut the sliding glass door. Later I heard her meowing and happened to look towards the porch and there she was, locked out of the house. Now, when I go to close the slider, she beats it in the house which leads me up to yesterday. Annie was on the porch but came scrambling when I acted like I was closing the slider. I didnt see Fancy in his daddys recliner so I figured he was upstairs sleeping. I closed the door. A good hour later or so, Annie was at the door making noise and I said no you can't go back out, its to hot ( it wasn't as bad as it had been, as we were having a much cooler day) I looked and there sat Fancy, looking into the house. I had to laugh at the picture of his sorrowful look. I should have taken a pic.( duh an afterthought) so I opened the door and Annie started giving her daddy huge kisses and I said to her well if you want him to come in the house you best get out of his way so he can come in and she looked at me and backed up. Boy was she ever happy her daddy wasn't locked out anymore. She adores her daddy. He isn't her real daddy, but you may all remember when Fancy found her outside, all alone, 4 weeks old, sitting on a tarp in between the garage and house ? it will be 2 years in october. He was so happy and started acting like he WAS her daddy. He took such good care of her. That is another story unto itself.

Angel and the kitties
Frank C. -

Don't ever give up hope!

This guy showed up one day in our shed last fall.


We left food for him through the broken window. Unfortunately the insurance company told us we had to repair said window and we didn't see him anymore.

Then some signs went up in the neighborhood looking for a dog. They were up for months. Then we saw a bald eagle in the neighborhood, which is great for the national bird, but not so hot for the small critters. We thought both were lost to the eagle.

Then a couple of weeks ago, the grey cat showed up in the backyard again, a bit skinnier than before, but still around as he snuck through a hole in the shed's wall


Now on to our two cats here, littermates, which we lost here a few years ago, both reaching 20+ years of age.

Stanzie and Gretchen
Bryan.. I felt so disappointed to read your guest disappeared after you repaired your window but happy when he reappeared and found a new way into your shed.! Nice to know he has a place out of the elements. He's shy around people?

Yeppers, that Bald Eagle is capable of taking small dogs and kitties as prey. We've seen Eagles flying over us in our wee town ( cuz of the elevator), but I don't think an Eagle could pick up Fancy, but then again we don't let him out alone either...lol

of Stanzie and Gretchen. You and yours were certainly blessed to have them with you for so many years.

and the furkids
(Fancy,Stinker, Hannah, Tootsie and Annie)
Cathleen -

I had to take that picture at 16x zoom. The second I took one step towards the shed,
he was gone!
I figured I might as well post one of my Graygirl. She loves the garden baskets.


She has been a real trooper with the new kittens. She still hisses but she has started coming back inside during the day for her "snacks". I caught Barney completely IN her adult food bowl just eating away. Just this morning he attacked Graygirls rear as she was walking away. I don't think he'll make that mistake again.
Bryan, lol, so I guess he's camera shy too He had that look as though, hey, this is MY shed..just feed me and keep your distance and all will be fine

Wayne my friend, that is really a sweet pic of Graygirl. I'm glad she's taking again to the house as I know you didnt want her to feel badly when you adopted Barney and Millie. I suppose little Barney wanted to assert his maleness but guess it didnt work out for him. He learned in short order who IS the martiarch of the house.


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