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Archive through July 07, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Man, with Art not here, who are we gonna pic on? Any volunteers...

Richard C. That would most definately sting. You have posted some really good ideas. Thanks.

Sorry to hear about your mishap. You and your family are in my prayers.

Rich C.,

Thanks for all your idea posts. They all seem very well thought out. If I see a credit to you on a design, I know I can count on that design to be a good one. Love the cardboards, too. hehheh.
Somewhat OT question for you guys, but I've seen pics of some pretty extensive farm toy collections on here and I figure it would be a pretty good place to ask. Those of you that collect and restore farm toys, where do you get your parts? I was poking through a bunch of stuff I dug out of storage today and ran across an old Farmall 404 tricycle front end toy tractor that I played with as a kid. It's in pretty sad shape, the steering wheel is missing and the centers are cracked out of both rear hubs. But, if I can find those parts and get the proper color paint and some new decals, I think it might clean up pretty good, and I'd love to have it restored and sitting on a shelf, as I have fond memories of it. Any suggestions or sources?
Lonny Buttke,

The k301a on my 127 has a linkage between the governor and carb. See page 56 of the Kohler service manual for what mine looks like. I would think (99% sure) the governor has to linked to the carb to control the engine rpms under various loads. I have not worked on hundreds of small engines, but the ones I have (in similar applications) all have some sort of governor linkage to the carb
Ouch! Good luck on the recovery!
I need to mark my calendar for the next PD. This time I'm making it a two day event.
I assume it is still going to be at the Blunier farm? What is the day?
Richard C. - I agree with You on the comment about Kraig always giving credit where it's due when He posts pictures of these little attachments/improvement pictures.
I sure envy You Your time & ambition for all the great little additions You've made to your tractors.
RYAN - Good advise from Richard on the Phys. Therapy. My Dad has had two replacement hips, one was done twice, and one knee replaced. Mom's a retired R.N. and She's forced Dad to do His therapy or else He'd probably be confined to a wheel chair now. Good Luck on a speedy recovery!
Richard C., Denny, I cringe when people give me credit for something that I post from the archives that is someone else's work. I try hard to give proper credit. Thanks for noticing. :eek:)

Matt, it was a lucky guess on my part, glad I guessed correctly. :eek:)

Here's one of Tedd's photos of Art.


Art, I hope you had good walking shoes on! :eek:)
James, your post says it turns over, but will not crank. Does that mean that the engine spins, but it won't start?

Richard C, very well said. Nice hoist by the way also :)

Ryan, maybe I should take those engines off your hands so you don't have to lift them
Kenny M., Steve B. and his father "Big" Steve collect and restore farm toys. Hopefully one of them will see your post and help you get the info/parts you are looking for. They did a first rate repair to a toy <FONT COLOR="ff0000">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="000000">H</FONT> 1456 I have. I have a toy <FONT COLOR="ff0000">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="000000">H</FONT> 560 I need to send them for a complete restoration someday. I also got a new set of decals from them for a toy Cub Cadet 1450.
Hi Travis yes the motor cranked by putting the positive terminal of my jump start pack on the starter terminal and ground to the frame. It cranked 5 times doing now won't do anything but rotate.Any suggestions? Thanks James
Where is the red power round up next year, 2005? I was told in Tennessee.
James, check the clutch switch (the one underneath the tractor). Just bypass it with a jumper wire to test it. Kraig???
Kraig, do you have a picture of a wideframe with the tunnel cover removed that shows the part?
Would you happen to have a picture showing what a 38 inch deck
for an original is supposed to look like?
I'd like to have something as a reference so, when I booger mine up, I know how bad.
Michael, I'll be posting a few on the next page.

....bad archive bug....

(Message edited by kmcconaughey on July 09, 2004)
My son and I went to a swap meet today.We were looking for tires/wheels for his Suburban.
I found them, did what I usually do, went home and told my wife that we had found them but,
they were too expensive. (This is were she says; "Go ahead and get them honey.")
She actually said; "Too bad bucko."

I think it had something to do with buying the CC parts.

(Message edited by mkjohnson on July 09, 2004)