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Archive through January 31, 2005

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Terry B.,
Was looking at the one armed loader in your profile. Did you fabricate the bucket or buy it off the shelf? If so, who's the manufactorer?
Also, thanks for the trouble shooting comments re the 124. Will archive the comments.
I bought the loader and the bucket as a kit. It came in parts and I had to weld it together. About 30% of the build was customized by me to fit on my 147. The arm and the bucket was built per the plans. I had received a welder for Christmas last year and was looking for something to build when I ran across the plans. I chose the one arm design to keep the weight down. I also wanted to be able to use all my attachments.

If you are just looking for a bucket for an existing loader I would look for a ATV bucket. They are about the right size.

(Message edited by tcbusch on February 01, 2005)
Kraig or Charlie can either of you post a pic of a k 301as need to see the air cleaner side. Need to see where a couple of things mount thanks in advance
Rob, Ooops the lower case "as" tripped me up. I read it as ....can either of you post a pic of a 301, as I need to see the air cleaner side......." :eek:)

(Message edited by kmcconaughey on February 01, 2005)
Rob, hopefully Charlie has some.......

(Message edited by kmcconaughey on February 01, 2005)
This just in from Charlie...... A K301AS

Kraig .... in pic 4 {from the top down} there is a small round cover on the left side of the coil. Whatis that for or what was suppose to be mounted there? Just wondering
Rob, you mean the oval cover with two bolts holding it on? If so that is for a mechanical fuel pump.
Thanks Charlie ...in your pic the cover is right below the carb bowl
Kraig ...now that you say it it makes perfect sense ...just had a senior moment !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats why the photo looks familiar. Knew I had seen that before.
Charlie, Thanks for the thoughts, after fiddling with it for a LOOONG time I'm kinda leaning towards the inevitability of the sprocket tracking to one side or the other, so my next step is some thrust washers in there to keep it from eating the casting. I'm about halfway through the outside zerk fitting now, but the one on my CC42 is good...I'm beginning to see the wisdom of a pile o'parts units. I've got a 4300 sq ft heated "playroom" out back so maybe I'll have to get to Cub hunting in the hedgerows this spring.

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