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Archive through January 23, 2014

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Minnesotans are gettin naked and headin for the beach on Wednesday!!!!!
Ya'll Come now ya hear.
David S.
We had the 1000 gal. tanked filled the other day for the new house and it was $1268.00. First time in 5 years and it will be the last for another 10. Back to wood next year!!!!!!!!
Looks to be somewhere between -28°F and -29°F at my place this morning. Burrr! I'm sure Charlie has me beat.

Nice here this am 21 F , but then I`am at lat 27.17 N and long 78.04 E . I know some of you guys must be further North than me. We get the warm water coming up along the cost and that seems to keep our weather warmer than most down your ways. It would be interesting if you would post your Lat and long just so we could tell how far north everybody lives. have a great day .