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Archive through January 20, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well it's 16* outside and I'm here in da shack and I'm getting cold, they say it's headed to 5* tonight and it's BP pill time so I'm gone !
Actually Ken, it still is Squirrel season in Indiana..until Jan 31st....
Think I found a tiller for my 149....Now I've got to make some room in the shed for it....
New carport style shed is sittin under tarps as the weather got me before I got the concrete poured.....
Hi all. the jeep thing is funny i hope Jim can see that. I got a snow blade from Ohio 44288 . now to get it shiped ! Thanks to Charlie i had to spend $90.01 instead of $85.00. he gets all the good deals lol
Marlin, Albert Champion was a French motorcycle racer who made spark plugs to support himself. He moved to Flint Mi in 1904 and started Champion Ignition which made the Champion spark plug. He lost control of that company. In 1908 he started AC Spark Plug which eventually was acquired by Delco. I'll bet Albert Champion is spinning in his grave with Champion's spotty quality today. Like Charlie says, Autolite 216 or in my case Motorcraft AL7C in single cylinder K series.
Champion's aviation spark plugs are no good either...when I was getting my pilot's license they'd change the Cessna's plugs every night after I brought it home....
Kentucky I suspect your debit card problem is almost all of them have a $500 limit in any 24 hour time period to protect you if it gets or the number gets stolen. Roger
Brian W, Marlin: The Autolite 216 is an excellent plug for the 10-16 hp single cylinder K-Series Kohlers and is the one I use. How-some-ever, if'n you just happen to have an Original or other 7/8 hp single cylinder K-Series Kohler, then the Autolite 458 is the plug needed.

Myron B
Funny you should post that compressor. I am looking very seriously at the same one @ TSC. My "6hp" 33gal direct drive/oilfree "class action settled" Craftsman took a dump two weeks ago. Took the motor in for hopeful repair, but the winding are shorted, thermal kept tripping. (I know at least one other person on the forum who has one...sitting near their 125 cub which sports a AGH & SML.

Just found a place on ebay here in Fort Wayne that appears to be better. Curtis brand, lower price, higher CFM, same pressure & has a 5 year warranty. TSC I/R only 1 year.

For the price of the amount of pipe he'd need to do that, he could probably buy a hundred of those compressors...
Check these guys out for compressors too. I have looked into them, but my compressor hasn't died yet and I have other things to spend the money on. I like the high volume single stage units since I don't really need 175 psi. I want something with more volume for blasting. I also like the fact that they run the compressors slow unlike most I have seen. Just something to look at. Their prices aren't bad even with shipping.
Matt G. Very nice start on your website!! Wish I knew how to do one
ahhhhhhhhhhhh i cant beleive we lost!!!!!!!!!!!!
at least i didnt bet on it
Matt G. you have a nice looking 128, I just recently found a 108 I was thinking about buying, all my cubs in that series are hydro's, this would be my first gear drive of the series
Ryan K.-

Thanks, I haven't hardly scratched the surface of the capabilities of html....I did most of that in about 4 hours.

You'll like that 108...The one I had would mow grass just as well as my 1811, on half the gas
Yeah I'm thinking I would really like a 108 too, I really like the feel of the 129 and 149, so just thought it would be neat to have one of them that's a stick! To accomplish my goal of owning at least one of every IH model I need that one anyhow, the guy and I are just trying to get together on a price. I'm starting to like the wide frames more than the narrow frames all the time
wouldnt mind another snow like our last one here in northwest illinois. i bout lost my 100 while making a path to my dog pen. took about 5 trys to clear it out. at least i figured out why i used a bucket of chains for extra weight besides wheel weights. had to hook em to atv and pull er out