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Archive through January 19, 2019

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Welcome Tracy!

Click on one or more of those rectangular boxes at the top of the page. They’ll help you out and probably have what you are looking for!

As Scott mentioned the colored boxes at the top of the page are links to forum sponsors/suppliers. CC Specialties has all three of those parts listed in stock.
Got in some decent shop time on the K-341 today.
Gotta get the tractor in the shop and on the table if the weather ain't too bad tomorrow while
I'm waiting on a cast iron pan to show up for it s well as getting the flywheel cleaned up yet.


Negative on the plate.
May wish I had though at some point, we'll just have to see I guess.
I think this Cub will be my dedicated tiller rig this spring.
The 1450,aka "Old Smokey' is next up on the O/H list this fall.

My tiller has been a 1650 for a few years now. It does a good job but the only hold back for me is the hydraulic lever being on the same side as the shifter. When I drop the tiller I have both hands on the right side for a couple of seconds on the start of each row. I have to keep a constant "feathering" going on the shifter as the tiller will push any tractor it's attached to. I just went out to start it the other day for exercise with no luck but after thinking about it I think (hope) it's just out of fuel.

The engine is looking very nice.

Wayne, I have the same creeping issue w/the 1450 as well.
I really think a gear drive w/creeper would be the answer.
I may just hang the tiller on my 128 that has one just to see how that will handle it. Or I could just drop this engine in a gear drive WF running gear!! Still have a few months left before I will need it!! Ya got me thinking now!!

If you can dedicate a gear drive/creeper that's the way I'd go. I've never used a GD to till with but I've always heard it's the way to till. It also makes sense in that the tiller can buck/push all it wants but if the tractor is weighted properly all the operator has to do is ride it out. I imagine ags would help as well but if the soil is right turf tires should work just fine. After all, tilling is the last thing I do before rowing/planting and the tilling doesn't seem to require a lot of traction. I do have ags on my 1650. I do the turning/harrowing of the garden with a 149 with ags as well. IMO, 1x8/9s are the way to go. The hydro shifter on the left makes things a little easier (again, IMO).

Till in 2 passes, it will decrease the tendency to over take the tractor.