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Archive through January 19, 2007

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Paul, I think we know how manly your tractor is,
but he needs a girlfreind, dontcha think hahaha

I got my new lower hitch link, and a new hood hinge, so I an plow and open my hood at the same time...
If it had a girlfriend then he'd have to put a rain cap on it!
I can't find the image right now, but Paul's pic makes it obvious where the Futurama series creators got the robot design from... That's obviously Bender smokin' a stogie.....
Gee, Charlie, I got no argument on the 1x9 series being the best design... When do we send our findings on to MTD, so they can start engineering ??
Hahah, I love futurama, so that looks jes like Bender, and good call on the rain cap KENtuck, I dont know if he wants a 1249 runnin around...
I found a one owner Cub 1650 with front plow, mower deck and roto-tiller in a garage not 100 yards from my office here and I didn't know it was there! It isn't in bad shape, but I don't know when it was last used regularly. Are they a good outfit? I bet Digger thinks so, since I think he has one. I'll try to get photos and serial number soon.

It's tempting to bid on it since it will be up for auction next month.
Really like the 1650 I have. Had to put ags on though. Lot more power than traction.
Female cub


Male cub


No viagra jokes please.
Gee never looked at it that way,wonder what the nieghbors think. Maybe I should repaint that thing hanging out a flesh tone color LOL!
OK I'm beat..How do I get my picture image to under 100 Kb? My camera takes these huge pictures and I can't seem to change that. HELP!
Matt, go to the "My Pictures Folder" on your computer. Then select the photo, and right click it, then you hit edit, and then the picture will appear as a paint doccument, then hit image in the toolbar, and then hit stretch/skew, and type in 20 for both percent boxes, and hit ok. Then repeat untill you have the desired size, and then close out of the paint program, and it will say if you want to save the changes to it, and then hit yes. Then follow the upload attatchment instructions, and that should work. Hope this helps...
Glen C. Thanks! Here is the battery box differences I have. I have seen them on 100s but nothing else. Anyone know if this was an option?
Matt, Sure was optional for a bigger battery in colder climate starting. I have seen and had several of them myself.
Well, now that I got picture taking figured out whats one more for the road. Were supposed to get 4 to 6 inches tonight and tomorrow sooo heres the 125 ready to get to work.Just need to put chains on though.
I need to borrow someones smarts. I am working on a super steer upgrade as shown on the cubfaq. The wheel hubs I got look like they are for 4.5 inch spindles, but the spindle on the axle is only 3 inches. Is there an easy way to extend the spindle with a bushing or spacer or something? Would that be strong enough? The outside bearing will have to sit on the extension. I'm open for any and all ideas. I'm hoping to make the ol' 149 into a little better mowing machine for some of the tighter corners in my yard.
Andy, Matt
THe battery box difference is when the "car" battery was no longer used. With the batteries getting better IH droped the large battery box. There were no options for a larger size battery.
Glen, I think it's male unless it has 8" diameter rims on the back.
Matt - you didn't say what camera you had but since a lot of ppl have a Kodak, you can set the amount of resolution in the setup. A smaller res will produce smaller pics too.
Thanks for the info..problem appears to be that I switched to a gear reduction starter..so different than the manual.

Big Battery Box - I seem to recall that not all Kohler motors at that time had the Automatic Compression Release feature...
Ken, yeah I saw that after I "read the book". It's a Canon Powershot elf, nice camera.