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Archive through January 16, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Found a cool site today. Go to myoldparts.com and then click on the "Bashing Board". They have a term I never heard before, "Deereoids"! ROTFLMAO
Looks like a couple fellas disagreed with "DR. EVIL", Dr. Evil is more than welcome over here
WYATT - I enjoy stirring things up over there! and keeping them honest. Quite a few RPM guys there too. AMAZING how much just plain WRONG information circulates some of these forums!
You get a chance to look at Your SUPER H anymore? I've got a spare Owner's manual and a parts book I can copy if You need them.
Looking at my Super H still requires a 4-1/2 hour drive
I need to get a steel trailer to get it closer, don't trust my aluminum trailer for one of those.
well i figure what was wrong with the tractor finally.man this thing kick my ass.brand new points right from kohler.would throw spark every so often when the plug was installed.check spark with plug out work ok then just check it one time and didn't have it so i look at the points again this is what i found.took a test light to the - side of the coil and the light would flash when the points open and close.most of the time it flash right.had to keep cranking to see it hit & miss.did not see any thing wrong so i check them with a ohm meter to find 7 ohms way to much.so i clean them with brake cleaner.had 4 ohms still to much book says below 2 is good.so i remove them check again still had 4 so i clean them with a piece of white paper only to find a black mark so i clean again till no more black crap on the clean paper.check again, wow 1.5 ohms.installed them again it started right up and ran great.i don't think i will ever install points without cleaning them real good even when new!
WYATT - Ohhhh. I didn't think it was That far. If You need some reading mat'l let Me know.
Hello All......... upon assembly of my 105 project I've noticed the belt for the hydo unit has come up missing, anyone who would have any info on the replacement belt would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Again.........JIM

Early point wear like that is usually caused by the wrong value condensor that it is mismatched with the inductance of the coil you have, see Don V's note about using two. Condensors usually are +/- 20% so one might be a better match for a coil than another. Unless it is obviously bad, it helps to save your old one in case the new one you put in is a worse match. Or just reuse the old one if find one that gets you good point life. Unless a condensor has been exposed to a lot of moisture or mechanical damage they really never "wear out".

Jim E
Hello all, I was thinking it would be cool to install a tach on my 124. I was looking through my jc whitney cat thinking I might find one there. No luck. Everything in there specifies it will work on anything from 2 tru 10 cylinders. Does anyone know where I could find one that would work on a k301?
Hmmm, all this discussion on points, makes the units Captain Kirk is selling more benificial. I am just waiting for them to be made available...

Art, so you have a pull start? Cool, I think that we need to see more than just a placard on an engine... Ahem! Hint, hint, hint. <font size="-2">Ok, since I have known you, maybe I need to be more direct in regards to this matter...</font> POST SOME PICS!!!
DAN M. - Tachs for single cyl. engines like Kohlers are avail. from "TINY TACH". Small engine dealers sell them; make sure You get the correct one since some engines fire the plug every revolution but Kohlers fire every other revolution. The units are small LCD digital displays and are a recording hour meter when the engine isn't running. Single wire hook-up by just wrapping a wire around the spark plug high tension lead from the coil to the spark plug. Northern tools sells them also. About $30 each. They're the cheapest solution I've found. I've written to about four instrument manufacturers and special single cyl. tachs with an approriate RPM scale for a Kohler are available on "Special Order" at a Substantially Higher price if You want an analog tach. It would seem that an inductive pickup tach would be REAL simple on a Kohler but evidently the demand isn't there yet.
hey Dennis, Thanks for the info on "tiny Tach" I'll look for them. You answered my next question regarding when the park plg fires. I figured it was once every other stroke because of the way the points are actuated. I've got my motor mostly torn down. I've got to finish that up so that I can run it over to a local machine shop for bore,crank, and valve work. I have to get this thing back together for spring time.

Thanks for the info on the hydro lift belt, was looking for size in case the dealer doesn't have one.............JIM
Dennis, I searched for "Tiny Tach" and found their web site. You can buy them direct for $36. WOW! that's really cool! It also has an hour meter. I gotta get me one of those.

Good tip Dennis.
Art - are ya just "teasing" us with that 7hp tag?? What's the rest of the tractor look like?? Was a good visit with ya yesterday and nice that Robb could show up also.