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Archive through January 14, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Cylinder question...how much longer is the angle cylinder for a blade than a lift cylinder off a 149 and would a lift cylinder move the blade at all even if it did fit?
tire question: I bought some 23x9.5x12 rims so that I can set up a pair of ag tires. There are some choices relating to numbers of plies. I found 2,4, 7 plies. What can I get away with? the cost goes up a fair amount. I'm pulling a cart full of firewood or dirt, pulling a cultivature, tiller, pushing dirt & snow w/ a dozer blade. ( I don't have some of this stuff yet but I plan on it.)
hi hey im tring to remove a steering wheel on a 1965 cub 100 can someone tell me is it threaded, keyed, splined,or what? whats the best way to remove it? thanks keith
Please accept my "Zig" grill for the <u>Fugly Tractor file</u>

I spent the evening cleaning up the outside of the frame on the 7-682. That involved taking off both the round and right angle fender supports, the brake pedal stop, the brake pedal bushing on the left hand side, and the brake pedal safety switch bracket. Next on the list is getting the fenders where they're sitting right and trimming them to fit (along with being able to put the side panels on and take them off), and then notching the botton of the frame so that I can set the axle in to bolt it up (and drill mounting holes). Was there anything else you had to do to mid-mount the axle? Did you have to take out the steering box mount to move it forward enough? Fabrication is coming along better than I thought it would. It's amazing what you can do with a small angle grinder and a lot of patience...

--Mike J

(Message edited by jmjackson on January 15, 2004)
Art and Kraig, don't make me stop this car... If you two can't get along, you will have to go straight to your rooms.

Gotta chance to check out Doug "Bucket" Barnett's 149 refurbishment. All I can say is, W-O-W!
Best part, is that he said I can drive it when he gets it done.

Funny thing, we got about 6 maybe 7" of snow, in about 3 days. Then it got to be around 50, (the very next day) and there is no more snow... Man, I called back to Fond du Lac today, and my mom said it was snowing... Maybe I should load up the Cub and head east so that I can do her driveway with my extremely versatile, reliable, dependable, trustworthy, hard working Original.
Hugh Simon,

Have you got a picture of that sweepster on the 1450? I need to see how the lift setup looks. I mounted the one from Kevin D on my 682 and have a jury lift rig on it for now. I have been thinking of building a new one that works off the strongarm lever. When I get it done it will be my main snow removal rig.

Anyone else have any sweepster pictures?

Jim E
I have put a link on the WFM home page to the WFM Spring Break page. Thanks to Charlie Proctor for developing the page for us.

If you plan to attend, please register for the event.

Mike, I cleaned out the frame inside including the steering mount. All that was left was the front axle mount. Before long I'll be asking you questions ;-)

We had elections tonight for the Fire Dept. I'm now an assistant chief on the Rockford Fire Department!!
Congradulations Travis: Now the stress level goes up a notch. Good luck.
OK, so what good is a cub when it is raining ice??? What a mess. At least the cubs are in the dry. Don't think that blade is going to shave ice.
Dan M>> Just stick with the 2 ply tires,anything more will not provide any benefit worth the cost. The 2 ply will give you a slightly "softer" ride,all things being equal,and will provide plenty of traction and durability. The heavier ply tires are often sold for the small skid steer applications,etc(the little ones that use 12" tires).

Travis,congrats!! Guess you get to ride in the front of the truck now ;-)
Thanks for the insite on the tire ply choices. I will use your advice. I found a company on line called CR tire.(cedar rapids tire) Their prices were very good. Has anyone ever tried them? I don't know what they'll get me for shipping.
JIM - Maybe They'll let Travis Ring the Bell on the firetruck now! (just kidding.... old joke) Congrat's Travis!
Hey Guys, the 73 is going home to New England! I've been offered a job in Rhode Island so it looks like we'll be home for summer. Paul Funk, if you still want to have that get together, we'd better hurry. How about it Charles McCarty?
Jim Engstad-

This is the only picture that I have of my 1450. If I only had a computer that could support my digital camera I could snap some good close ups since it is in the repair side of the garage with the engine out for a head gasket.


what I can tell you about the lift on mine is that there is a cable that runs down the RH side of the tractor and attaches to the center of the broom with some links of chain. Underneath the tractor there is a bar that hooks to the rockshaft in the same place that a mower deck would hook up and the cable is hooked to this bar. Hope that this helps you.

Travis - Congrats on the "high paying" position.

(Message edited by hsimon on January 16, 2004)
Jerry B,
You ask! What good is a Cub when it's raining ice?
Bust it up with the rear end and throw it out of the other! Simple!
