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Archive through January 09, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Here is a picture of the front. I forgot to post it.

Can you take a couple of pictures of the back side of your forks? Also the top. I noticed you extended the bottom of your forks back a bit further than your back plate.

See the Custom/Better than new forum for those pics.....
Broke down here lol. I thought I would clean the paved drive with the blade and my 149 and soon had a steering issue. I have a few extra tirods here from changing over the 129 to heaver style joints.Good thing I have a few spares.

JB Evans

that blower looks like new .

Well I have the 149 repaired,Now to have some seat time on the drive with 2" of white stuff


I did get some washer fluid 20 containers for wheel weight on my tractor.


Does anyone have info on how to mount Original decks to a Cub Cadet 70?
DON - Maybe KRAIG can hunt up some pic's of WYATT's TIRE BONG for putting fluid in tires. It worked pretty slick!

RYAN M. - Maybe if we ask KRAIG real nice he can post the insttruction sheet about mounting the 38" tied deck onto a CC 70. I checked all the manuals in the manual forum and it wasn't there but I think KRAIG may have it.
Don, hang on, in a few more days you may have some more white stuff to play with. When the storm on Wednesday leaves here it seems to be aimed up your way.
It's easy to find info here on the tire bong using the search function. Just enter "tire" and "bong" and select the "and" search option and you'll have lots of hits.

As for the Original deck on a 70:

Allen Schumacher

Well the weather gussers have been wrong so far . no snow here just a two small dustings ao a couple " I just scraped the drive of 2" . I have two sets of IH weights here in my way so I think i`ll put them on my 149 in the am.That way they won`t be in my way lol.Then the snow crew will be all ready for some snow.I Have a 450 snow thrower and the 149 with a blade, a walk behind Snapper 26" and the 500 atv with a 54" blade. I should be good to go lol.

I have a set of old turf tires on my 149 now and chains and find them bumpy on the paved drive. The new turfs are on my 147 and when I had them chained last winter with thw same air presure they were smother.Could that be because they are still a soft tire ?I think turfs Chains and weight . what you guys run for air chained ? I have run 15 psi and 50 lbs a tire and find that ok. Its slow here today ! lets talk tires for snow removal..........