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Archive through January 07, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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More power = less mileage

Smoke = unburnt/partially burnt fuel = less mileage

Basically Travis's diesel is overfueled and he isn't gaining much after a certain point...but it looks cool!!!!

If he had more boost the exhaust would clean out and the power would go up because he would have the correct balance of fuel and O2
Tedd-It's all relative. Diesels are more efficient. Keep in mind that the 782D has a 4 gallon tank also,not comparable to Spot's capacity. When the injection pump is at factory settings it will go about 3 times the distance per gallon compared to a gasser. And it has more power just because....
Steve, I'm thinking of hooking up a shop vac to help eject some smoke

Tedd, when I worked for Dodge, everyone that got their Cummins turned up claimed to get waaaay better fuel mileage. Not sure why. I used to crank the timing up to 15 degrees to help them start better. I cranked up the timing on my 1772 also with the help of Joe Persoon.
Hey Bob, Got any snow to spare???
Have had over six hours of seat time per day for a week. Lots of happy people. Lots of snow moved. Wish I were paid by the ton!
Am looking forward to a 149 weighing a bit more. Are those fat tires going to dig in ok??? Never thought I would get tired of shifting.Sorry Jeff! Originals still rock!
smoke = power right??
ever noticed John Deeres dont smoke at all,
and I dont mean just the garden tractors I mean all of them so smoke must mean power
and it also has something to do with unburnt fuel
I have seen some of those dodge cummins turned up, they get horrible mileage and probaly go through a couple engines
Nathan Conn-
Deere diesels do smoke, it's just white smoke, and they do it for a LONG time after startup.
Seems to me that Denny's DT444 "whites" for mere seconds. That's an IH!!

Now about that speed . . . . . .
Not once was I speeding, other than times the plow plugged and the hydro took off <darn hydros>.
Besides, who wouldn't want to ride a wheelie on a 169?
Jerry B. -

Hmmm - wonder where Jeff is...

Surely he's not celebrating the King's birthday on the throne...
Anybody running Norton Internet Security had any problems with their computer since the last update? Both my main and Laptop acting funny. Takes a long time for the items to appear in the lower right task bar at start up. Checked with a friend and he has same problem with his computers. Both of us running XP with Norton Internet Security 2002.
Sorry Tom,I fell asleep and am finally answering your 782D block heater question. It is a regular item available through a Cub Cadet dealer. Sorry I don't have the PN handy or I'd list it. Also available through a Kubota dealer,but hey,gotta support those dealers that keep us in the yeller and white!!
Oops,forgot a few things of course(oldtimer's setting in??)
Anyway,if ya like to see smoke check the picture in my profile too;-)
800CCA???? Holy buckfarts Batman!!! That's what I'd call a cranker!!!
Richard,same thing is currently going on with my XP since the last update. Let's hope they put down the smokes and fix that fast!!
Nathan, I will also add to what Wyatt said in that Deere's are running larger cubic inch engines and therefore can produce the same amount of power and burn the fuel better. The drawback is that larger engines cost more to produce. Deere uses the same engine in many models by just adding turbos, intercoolers, and pumping more fuel in. The larger models still do smoke but not like the older models do.
"More power = better milage" The big HP isn't working it's a$$ off = no strain.

Hey Ken and Leo,
If you think about it the 82's are slant grill too. Just slant the other way.

(Message edited by thoffman on January 08, 2004)
Speaking of IH Diesels. . .

I was at the gas station filling up my work car and the guy across from me was filling up his Ford V10 Gasser Dually. I asked him why he chose the V10 over the Diesel, and he said that he did stainless exhaust, chipped up etc. . for towing to get 400hp & 600 ft/lb torque. . .said the Diesel just couldn't do that. . especially when towing 10,000 lbs in mountains.

I smiled at him and let him know that my DT444 put out 525 ft/lb of torque from the factory, and that the turbo was going to keep the fuel mixture much more stable in the thin air atmospheres. . and the DT444 can put out much more than 600hp. . and get more than the 8 miles/gal that he gets.

I love #2.
Nathan, I've never seen a Cummins get bad mileage or grenade an engine. We only ever replaced one, and that was from a casting flaw that leaked oil. I never got under 20 MPG with mine, whether I was pulling or not.
what I was talking about was the high schooller that wanted to black out the sun. I know what you are saying though I think cummins have one of the best engine (except for kohler of course).
Unless things have changed since I worked in the 9000 series tractor engineering (codenamed Eclipse), they're only a 12.5L versus the Cummins 15L used today in others.

Speaking of their diesels . . . . last engines I worked on were the 4024 and 5030, THAT was at least 3 years ago, have they even got close to putting those out yet? They were a feature in Diesel Progress magazine two or so years ago but haven't hit the market

. . . . . Diesel Progress, featuring a non-lined, cam in block, mechanically governed Deere engine for compacts, there's a cruel irony if there ever was.
Richard C.

There is quite a buzz going on about expired Verisign certificates used in NAV causing computer slowdowns starting yesterday. Check this thread.


I didnt see anything offical on Norton's site addressing this, yet...
Since switching stores last year from the Ag side to the CP side, I have lost some track of what they are using now. I know they have just came out with the 9620 but have not seen what engine they are using in it. I am not sure what the new compacts are using now either. I just like that little Yanmar in the X series and the 2210. At least Deere makes some models that are still direct drive rather than belts.