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Archive through January 05, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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It's a 582. No it's not mine.

Yeah, I know it's not the best way....but it sure is fun for a change.
Well..... went to work this morning about 5:00am.(about 3 miles from Tedd in Lisle) and thought that -5 is a little on the cool side. Even the Cat's didn't want to play! Don't care how you dress, that's C-C-C-Cold. The two other guys working with me thought the same thing, so we hauled a$$ outta' there and headed home. That dirt will still be there tomorrow.

Steve "B",
Was looking at the Farmall '55-'85 book and noticed on page 52 that the couple on the "IH Alter" is the same guy I bought my first tractor restoration project from, a RARE McCormick-Deering Fairway 12. The funny thing is he is still a IH guy but not a married one. :cool:

Also noticed the 4100 on page 46, looks like a good candidate for a 122 project. That front end looks familiar.

Paul "F",
There are several color pix of plows in the <u>"International Harvester Farm Equipment Product History 1831-1985"</u> by Ralph Baumheckel & Kent Borghofff book.
Columbia's billboard campaign says it all - "Wherever snot freezes, we'll be there."

Walked 3 blocks from the grocery store to the office and my pop's nice and cold
Recently I posted a request for some help on a dead man's neutral for my directional foot control. I got no response. However, I did get several requests for information on my conversion therefore, I am posting these pictures for anyone who is interested.



Sorry you are getting "I goofed" message. Apparently the file size of these pictures is too large. I don't know how to reduce the file size. Any help out there?

I could e-mail pictures to anyone interested.
Hi, I am new to the list, I live near Niagara Falls Canada. I collect and restore electric tractors and electric riding lawn mowers. I have just recently discovered that in the 1970s IH - Cub Cadet made an electric rider called the E95 :\ image {E95 picture}. I also understand the Cub Cadet made an electric lawn tractor. As a collector I am very interested in these little beauties. Eventually, I hope to include these in my collection. However at this point I am just fishing for information and hoping to locate a few folks who own or have experience with these amazing little machines. Anybody out there?
Jack M. -

You could start by reading the FAQ, specifically the question regarding picture posting.

Speaking of which, belated birthday greetings to KENtucky... I know it was someone else's birthday, too, but I can't for the life of me remember who...

Geof -

Unfortunately those little guys are Cadets, not Cub Cadets and are a bit off-topic here. But perhaps someone can help you out...
Brian I would have taken it all apart. We had one of those machines in the diesel shop where I used to work. They are good but not that good
Hello Again
I guess a made a couple of faux pass in my first post. The first, being I though that Cub Cadet was a make of lawn tractor, I now know they are a model in the Cadet line. The second, had I read the moderators profile and his favorite quote I would never have attempted to post an image. However, I learn from my mistakes and I now know one more bit of information with respect to my quest for an E95 Cadet. I hope that people on the list who have infomation to share will continue to respond to my inquiries at my E-mail address in my profile, since discussions on this list are restricted to Cubs and I understand completely the reason for this rule.
Jack, email the images to me, I'll try to resize them for you.

Tom, oooooh a 4100. :eek:)

Geof -

Hey, no French in here!

Just kidding. Perhaps Tedd has some info since he likes those "bathtub" riding mowers.

You might also see if Mary Herbers at the Little G Expo can give you a hand - [email protected]
Geof, here's all I have, at least that I know of.....

.....unless you count this.

(Message edited by kmcconaughey on January 06, 2004)
Art, I see the blue stripe, did you get a 169? if you did, you <strike>lucky s@!t</strike> got a nice tractor.

The great state of Washington, at least the west side all around the Puget Sound have been getting dumped on with snow. Even out here in Sedro-Woolley, so unfortunately I had to put on bigger tires, chains, wheel weights, and then I HAD to go out and remove all that snow. It was so much <strike>work</strike> <font size="-2">ok, the wife left, and now I can say, let it snow!!!</font>
Wow, what fun. The Original didn't get stuck with the chains and weights. Man, I just totally dig them thar Originals.


For your veiwing pleasure. I present "Hotdog"

I have manuals at home that cover some of the information on the electric bath-tub. I'll see what I can do later.

I may still take it apart. I need the practice.

It did start today, ran for about 10 seconds. I had the charger on the battery all night, and when I got home I pulled the spark plug to check spark, that was good so I put it back. Next thing was the points, opened the cover and turned it over to check open and close and dammed if it didn't start right up. The muffler fell off after about 10 seconds and it was so loud I shut it off. So a full charge on the battery was all it needed.

I forgot to tighten it down at the elbow.

(Message edited by bsoehl on January 06, 2004)
Jeff -

Don't get too excited...

One more time:

14hp & 16hp - blue stripe
12hp - red stripe
10hp - yellow stripe
8hp - green stripe
Jack Moore,

I haven't forgotten abvout you, just been busy. I have a mechanical dead-man design that has not yet been tested.

Maybe if Kriag has some spare time he can post the images of it with your photos, otherwise I'll get to your email tonight.

Angled muffler and smal AC indicate 149....