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Archive through January 02, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Looks like someone's been shopping at Warshawski's...

What, they were out of the jester or the lady with the lightup wings?
Jeff R. -

No weights or chains here, either. Or ags


First work it did in 20-odd years before becoming a trailer queen...
Fun Cub day yesterday. First out to Matt Gonitzke's place in Rockford to get a hood for the slant grill 122. (Looks like a good contestant for the fugliest Cub) On the way there I picked up a flat on the truck, so a short "Pit Stop" to change the tire was in order. Thanks for the use of the floor jack Matt and Dave!

Next a "short" jaunt to Lisle to pick up the "FREEBIE" hood in the box from Tedd Ill. Wanted the box more than the hood, but I might have a use for it anyhow. Tedd has something up his sleeve.

Next stop Rob Houtz and Skip at R.F. Houtz and Son. Always find a way to go past his place and check out the stock. Ya' never know what might be comming home next.

After a short visit in Elburn, it was off to Mike Masheris' to check out the new addition to the fleet, and I do mean "FLEET"! LOTS & LOTS of very cool stuff in South Elgin. I could have jaw jacked all day but had to het home before the wife made it home.

After dinner it was now off to Sears to get a new tool chest and cabinet. Ain't the biggest but it'll serve me well enough.

Was a good day and had a chance to see/here some of the new projects to come, and chech out the content of other Forum members sheds.

Can anyone show a PIC of how the long bar on a 3 point, attatches to the lift handle? Know it was posted on here a few days ago but cannot locate in archives. Appreciate the info as its even minor questions like this that makes this a great site.

I waited twenty minutes and couldn't get closer than 15 rows back. Couldn't even see the bikes. Those guys have some following. The autograph line was hours and u had to pay. Sorry Pal.

George H

Picked this up, thought it was a 7hp, but it is different than all the others I have. Can someone confirm that it is an 8hp or a very late model 7. Sorry, no shroud tag.
first pix is the odd one
second one is my other 7's
sorry but trying to do this on an ancient 233 lap top
Tom: Thats what i gave myself for Christmas. I'm already interested in Steve B.'s idea of a side cabinet.Still no snow in The Great White North. BOOHOO Kent W.
Dan M.

Flywheel removal:

I have a short piece of 3/8" flat steel about 6" long with 3 holes drilled in it - corresponding to the center hole and the 2 tapped holes on the flywheel.

The center hole is 1/2" and gets a short 1/2" bolt threaded into it (drawn up tight with the head of the bolt touching the crank end). This is a fixed point.

The other 2 holes are 3/8" and get grade 8 bolts (of the correct length) thru them and into the tapped holes in the flywheel.

Tighten everyhting up real tight to "pre-load" the flywheel and them hit the 1/2" bolt in the center of the home made puller with several solid hits from a BFH........it will more than likely pop off if you keep tension on it when you smack it.

I've pulled 6 or 8 like this with no problems...always works.
Tom, Kent,

I think I'm going to end up with a side cab for my lower box.......I can get everything in my current toolbox, but it's getting too crowded to really organize the tools the way I like to. I've found out that if I just toss tools into a drawer all willy-nilly that things come up missing. The side cab should give me just enough extra room to keep everything neatly organized.....helps spot that missing wrench and find it before it becomes a lost wrench!!!!!


Maybe Wyatt will just trade me even-up...his tool box for mine...I'd even take care of the transportation!!!!
I'm glad you have a camera, it's good to see some snow pix from you, but are you really supposed to have that much snow there during the winter months? Those 6-12 tires are really great for augering through the snow. <font size="-2">(...and dirt at plow day too!)</font>

What'cha got up yer sleeve?

Glad I could help with the tire install!
There'll be no sluggin from me at Plow Day, so don't worry, but payback will be sweet!

That thing was a trailer queen before you resto'd it!

Goin' to look at a 149 tomorrow, I'll let you guys know what turns up.....
Dang, In 3 hours we got about a half inch of snow and then it quit. Hope we get some more by the time I get up so I get some Cub time.
I have a 782 and i was wondering if it possible to add a differential lock in the rear end without welding the spider gears.
Art, to answer your question, No. This happens every few years. Usually it rains, then it just stays cloudy, then it rains some more. After the rain and the clouds, we get more rain. Then around May, it rains but we see some sun while it still rains. Then in June it is sunny till Sept. Then starts the whole process over. So in winter there ain't too much need for a Cub.

But, if you want snow, we have it all year around, just as long as you don't mind hiking up a mountain...
Well it looks like the weather guessers did it again. They were calling for 1-3 inches over night, with a additional 5-7 inches today. Not ONE flake on the ground here. It better start snowin' like a S.O.B. here if they want to be correct!
How old is that picture? You can't be ten miles from me, and just like at Tom's place, we didn't get a flake either.
I bought a seat cushion off Ebay for my 108, and it will not fit the pan. Were there several different size seats for the Cubs? The cushion portion is marked "Cub Cadet". Thanks in advance