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Archive through February 24, 2013

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2005
Donald Tanner
I post to much.!!!


Bit again ~!
Don T - I'm NOT convinced about your Ultrasonic cleaner and your solution. I still say you have to clean the passage holes with a wire. Unless you know the carb is basically good and already operating good, and you're just doing a routine cleaning job, I just do not think that "sound" is going to clean dried on "guck", "crud", "_ _ _ _" or any other 4 letter word item stuck in your carb. Your Ultasconic is a good starting point but you still need carb cleaner or vinegar or some cutting agent, to dip and then use the wire, and dip, etc.
As for posting to much - geez, if it wasn't for you the last couple weeks would have been real sleepy. Not much else besides Bill J's infamous quick questions, some ISO-mount stuff, and a few other things on snow. Keep up the posting - I LOVE IT (especially since you're on the other side of the border)

Did you cook that high speed needle too? I'd throw it in there and blow it out well when removed.

I agree somewhat with Harry, in that I don't think the Ultrasonic cleaner is going to get down in the small passageways of the carb, but I don't agree with using a "wire" on them because of the possibility of scratching or otherwise damageing them. I still believe carb cleaner is the way to go, even if you have to put the parts in a tin can, spray or pour it on and let it set, and then dump the parts out into a metal kitchen strainer to drain, then flush with water. Also check the lable on the Super Clean. Something in the back of what is left of my mind says that one of the "cleaners" (Super Clean, Purple Power, etc,), is not supposed to be used on aluminum, but I don't remember which one.
Guys ; I wanted to see how the cleaner would work with the dirtiest cab I could find. I did add a fuel bowl that had hard yellow residue for gas.The spray carb cleaner would not clean it , but 10 minutes in the sonic cleaner and all the old yellow hard gas deposits were gone.In the am I will give the 125 carb a try. I will soak it for ten minutes and cook it another ten minutes , rinse with fresh clean water and blow it out with 135 lb pressure air hose. Then install and see if I got it clean that the 125 will run like it does with the 129 carb.

Wayne ; the HS needle looked new after 10 minutes.
I'm going to take issue with both Harry and Paul in support of Don's use of the ultrasonic cleaner. I the "sonic" part does for dirt the same thing the wire does --it dislodges it. I do agree with Paul (against Harry) that I don't think a wire is necessary to clean the passages, or at least I've never used one, and I've often had good luck with soaking parts in carburetor cleaner and blowing out the passages with compressed air (when it was available). I just feel the ultrasonic can only help break up the crusty stuff further and allow the liquid solvents to further dissolve the remainder.

I also applaud Don's scientific approach to building a timeline for the suspect 125 carburetor.

Finally, I gotta say, I never heard of either using (or over-using) vinegar to clean carburetors; but judging by the witnesses of so many it is worth a try. The carb cleaner in the gallon cans used to be available for about $10, the last time I bought some it cost me $35. The stuff eats through the cans too, so you can't store it indefinitely after even a single use (ask me how I know).
Hi Guys

any suggestions on the original fuel bowl filter versus a paper type for my 147.

i am ready to get this working for the summer
This was $18.50 at Wally World this morning. AutoZone lists it at $28.


Jeremiah, I have had a can of the Gunk brand in my garage for about 15 years, so far the can is still in good shape.
Look what followed me home today from IL! The carb from this 1250 will be the first to take the dive into th fresh can of carb cleaner tomorrow morning.

The Cub appears to be in really good shape and has both side panels too. It is a Aug '79 build and has the aluminum lower grill casting and believe it or not, still has the side panel retainer spring as well as the spark plug grommet!
Came with a decent 50" deck and some sort of snow blower I could not identify. I'll post some pic's of it tomorrow and maybe one of you guys can put an I.D. on it. PO said it was mounted on this tractor but I sure couldn't tell how by looking at it. And also in the deal is a metal/glass front widshield and roof canopy of some sort

Just thought I'd post some pics of the cubs last logging challenge. The ol 1000 held up great when I went logging a month ago, but the last trip I woke up to some unexpected snow Sunday morning.


This really made the hills a challenge with traction. Ended up abandoning most of the wood I cut Saturday after a couple oh sh!t moments trying to get up the big hill. Hit a hole or something that I couldnt see under the snow and the tractor almost flipped. Had the front tires probably 2 feet off the ground, just about at the balance point and it started moving again... she rode like that for a few seconds (seemed like an eternity as I was stuck in slow motion) and then started to come back down. Need some front ballast weight for sure!

I picked some stuff on some of the smaller hills and closer to the house. The tractor did really well other than the big hill in the back. I think the hollow lugs of the gator tires might help over solid bar lugs, besides two biting edges per lug, the center packs with snow, and snow sticks to snow better than rubber sticks to snow. Had I had some ballast weight I might have even been able to take the big hill.


A couple other pics from the camp that were too big to fit...


If you are like me and want to find out more about "Ultrasonic Cleaning", Wikipedia has a very good article about it. The article reinforces what Jeremiah said. It did state plain water is not enough, you must have a cleaner of some sort. It does sound as if it would be great at cleaning carbs since as Harry noted they have many small passages. Does seem that you would want to remove the welch plugs to make sure you could get the dislodged material out. A tip I got is when you do replace welch plugs to put sealant (gas and oil resistant) around them (I over bent the first ones I ever tried and they were loose).
You guys should start a thread in the sandbox about carb cleaning so we could all refer to it later...

Now on topic

Jerry is that looking to the road from your shop, that long drive would be good for Arrons BIG blade to throw the snow.

I am using the blade on my 169, rocks dont play well with a thrower.


I haven't seen this ultrasonic setup but seems to me the ideal cleaner would be the gunk solution in the ultrasonic machine. Is that possible?

That looks like a nice 1250 and you have a lot to work with when you refurbish the machine. I wish mine would have been that nice to start.
Jeff B

I would think carb cleaning would be on topic since all Cubs Have carbs . And finding about a ultrasonic carb cleaner should be easy with our search function .

Tristan Stewart

I think you need to add a weight bracket to the quick attachment on you tractor.I bet that would help keeping the front wheels down where they belong.

Paul Bell

I should look closer at the Super Clean because it did turn the carb dark after the soaking and running the ultrasonic cleaner.I will have to study and find out some cleaner that will attack the gas and not the Carb.

But I feel so good that soon I will have a bunch of parts to paint and install. The fenders and seat support for the 125 and fenders for my 1512 and some Parts for my 61 original will soon get some paint.I hope for spring weather so I can get my hlvp gun to work on all this.
Tristan Stewart
I missed that you are using a three point to support the tongue on your tractor. The weight back that far if you have much weight in your trailer will lift the front wheels. Aaron sell a trailer bracket that would move that tongue weight closer to the tractor and that would help with the light front end.

Off topic warning !!!!

I had that problem with trailer weight hauling the trailer from my Cat O . so I bought the hitch from Aaron that attaches to the cat O and that could move the ball ahead 8" or more. He does do real nice metal work on the Cub parts he makes.
Tom Hoffman

Looks like you should cut out the Black area and Make a Box .
I see a white panel what is normally black below the gas tank.
I have one of those brochures and I will study it further...

Under edit..

Mine is different than yours Tom.Mine says they're coming.
Your says they're here.

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