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Archive through February 23, 2018

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Kraig, Did it wake you up when it let loose!!
David, no, I just felt kind of let down.
It was quite obvious when that corner settled. Cracks in the tire finally let go.

Doug, I could do that, or it's a perfect excuse to get new tires.
Ron-others here’s a new wrinkle on the balance gear discussion,could those of us with q/Ls with b/gs have replacement engines?
Ron S - I noticed that too (no balance gears) in the parts look up. I'm gonna check my paper copy of the Parts Manual tonite after I get home. I believe it was printed around 1990 so it might have more/different info.

I also recall the QL idle speed setting spec by IH was 1500rpm. Always seem way to high and I used to slow my 1450 down to about 1100.

David Kirk - I seem to recall you telling us before that Kohler actually had 3 different versions of balance gears. Did they vary based on engine size or was it something to do with updates/changes made in production?

Kraig - Oh Great One Keeper of the Photos - don't go using that as an excuse to get new tires. There are way way to many used ones out there that are 50 y.o. and still have plenty of life.
Hydro, I'm likely to leave it as is, well I will get it back into shape, and then leave it for now or I might put a tube in it so it's ready to go as a spare. Hard to say as I don't like to rush into things.
That looks like a great excuse to go tire shopping.....something about new tires always makes me smile
So am I the only that heads straight for the tire isles at Fleetfarm and then grins when your shoes start to squeak from the rubber on the floor!!!!
Now, about those balance gears again. I checked my TC-157 Parts Manual (paper) and there are no balance gears shown on any of the Quiet Line engines. Maybe Kohler put out some info that they were to be removed (after they did away with them mid-QL production, but you would think there would be a note or something on the parts list).
Charlie, I've been guilty of that myself.
Fleet Farm is one of my favorite stores.