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Archive through February 22, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Ya can't go wrong with a 147. I notice your find has a refitted manual lift. The 147 originally came with an electric lift. I belive the standard size mower deck was the 42 inch, with a 38 or 48 inch deck as an option. I started with the 42 inch deck, but have since switched to a 48 inch deck. No difference in mowing, other than the 48 inch deck sticks out past the rear wheels a bit further than the 42 inch. The 38 inch deck will probably line up close to the rear wheels. I'm thinking the service manual you're looking for is the TC-113, which covers the transmission along with the chassis and engine.

Paul Lied--

Is there any scratches on the cylinder near the marks on piston? If not-- run it as is
Has anyone used a 5 prong ignition swich on a 105 or equivalent? The parts stores only have 5 prong jobbies? I fried my new wiring harness and the only electical not replaced is the solenoid and the switch, I cannot figure out what else could possibly be wrong, so I am hoping I can make the 5 prong one work...Thx
TODD M., PAUL BELL - I'm going to post a link but do a search on TITAN INTERNATIONAL, "www.titan.intl.com" Watch out for the BEAR when You get on their site
Then click on "About Us" or History.
Maurey Taylor is who I met when I was at FARMALL and now runs the whole show. They made LOTS of foreign investments too. I'd be suprised if Carlisle is even as much as 4-5% of their business.

Wished I'd have bought stock when they did their IPO.
But with My luck I'd still own it.
STEVE B. - Guy I bought My 982 from had a 782 @ PD #1 & #3 if I remember right, He trailered in with Kenny Updike, had a row of MWSC suitcase weights mounted behind the seat @ #1 Bet You can find a pic on Kraig's CD & video, and I think maybe both years He had 26-12.00 X 12 Firestones on His 782. I talked to Him a bit both times. He was disappointed because I didn't have HIS 982 there...and He made NO changes to fit those tires on His 782, stock 982 wheels. But they were REALLY close to the fenders, maybe only 1/4 to 3/8" between the lugs & fenders....You didn't want to wrap Your fingers over the edge of the fenders like I sometime do.!
Those F'stones run small, Mine on the 982 are only about 25" tall.
Morning all, well we got some rain and now its getting cold again, did i say i hate ice and got about 2.5 " thick in the drive. i finished painting the bucket and lift arms on the loader this am. now taking the 12K tin off and degrease the K and prime today. hope youall have a great Cub Day. later Don T
Hi guys. I haven't been on here for a while. The carb on my 149 needs attention. I would like to remove it and ship it off for rebuild or repair. Does one of the sponsors provide this kind of service. A couple of years ago I thought I read on here someone does this. I know your memory's have to be better than mine.I would appreciate any info, thanks.
Brendan: It was nice meeting you also and spending sometime together. Although it was certainly something to see in person, the sight of that 1450 with snowblower suspended in air 5 ft above ground was something I will never forget. Having had a couple days to sleep on it, it was a scary thing to do. Brenden, I really think you should listen to these guys and maybe go with the winch idea if not a trailer. I think the thrill of seeing it hanging up there is not worth the consequences should something unfortunate happen. I think we were very lucky - BTW: How did you unload it off your truck when you got back home? - EddC
STEVE YOST (Syost) Now if my memory is correct Frank C from Maine sent some carbs away for rebuilding,not sure where ?My 149 carb had the shaft worn bad and well that was before i heard of the washer repair. So i bought a new carb of greedybay, lol
i think arond $85.00
oh the 129 k was apart for a new piston and rings std size. i just rubberball hone it and reinstalled, lapped the valves and replace the pin behind the points. It was all cleaned up then ,but i was in to much of a hurry then to get back in the seat i bought the 129 3 months agolol so i have a messy here now.
Gary C,

Thats a fairly nice unmolested 147 you have. The seat for your 147 should be the same as the seat set up as on your 128 wide frame I see in the background of one of your pictures. I would not use the old spring seat contraption you showed in your last picture as its not as designed and you will have to drill holes on your fender pan and won't be able to use the handy storage area under your seat. You just need a pair of seat springs and a seat. Put a want ad in the Classified section or check with one of the sponsors at the top of the page and they can fix you up.

Brian J,
The chain inside a tiller should be lubed with SAE 90 wt or thicker, not SAE 20.

Wayne M/Richard G,
Point of clarification on the "QA" snowthrowers. The QA36 or QA42 snowthrower is for narrow frame tractors only. The QA36A and QA42A models are adjustable and can fit both narrow and wide frames.
If you guys are fitting the 26-12.00 X 12 Firestones on a 782 does that mean they will fit on any wideframe? I dont know the dimensions but they all 'look' the same to me. Eventually I want some good ags on my 129 and the stones sound good. I could always do the 8.5's but extra clearence might be a good thing in the garden and help me from the occasional hang up in the snow.
Well here are a few pictures of the before. You might notice a lot of little things that need to be fixed but it is a tractor to start with. A lot of elbow grease will be used.




Brad Borchers (Bborchers) to prevent WIDE screen be sure that you pres the entre button after each picture and Wide won`t happen lol ( i btdt) so edit post and enter later Don T
Front weight brackets - wheel weights... I need to get some weight on the front of my cc102. I have searched the forum and found that some members have fabricated their own front weight brackets. I will post in the wanted section to see if someone has any to sell but can someone tell me why front weight brackets was never made for these?
TRISTAN - I would not say 26-12.00 X 12's would fit Any CC other than an SGT, and IH spaced the fenders up about 1 to 1-1/2" to accomplish that. But like I said, the Firestone's run small for their size, and I have seen them used without modification on 782's. And <u>ALL</u> the disclaimers apply. I think using the 26-12.00's might be difficult on a mowing tractor, IH lengthened the wheelbase on SGT's about 7-1/2 inches to fit the larger tires with the same mower decks. Part of the length increase is between the steering console and the seat and the rest is in the frt axle.
ED C. = Welcome to the Forum. IH & MTD never made frt wheel weights for Cub Cadets. They wouldn't have done much good because they would only have weighed 15 pounds give-or-take.
A front weight bracket was made by MTD for use on CC's but only on later model tractors with wider front frames and quick-attach mounting systems.
Putting frt weights on Your 102 is possible but the bracket has to bolt-on. There are two sizes of weights commonly used. Mid-West SuperCub makes 5# & 10# suitcase weights that look like the full size IH suitcase weights and MTD and other companies use 42# suitcase weights made for other applications, normally small skid-steer loaders. You should first decide which weight You want to use and how many. Then anyone competent with metal fabrication can make the bracket to mount the weights with common hand tools and nuts & bolts. Welding is not required but does speed up fabrication. I've made several frt brackets for My CC's from flat steel, angle iron and nuts & bolts.
Greg Edwards = Carb Rebuilder. Lives in Virginia. He posts here off and on. His email is in his profile. I have his address if anyone wants it. He's done a good job on the ones he's done for me.
Jerry B,
The rake was already sold, he just hadn't updated the ad. Oh well.
there was a Carlisle just around the corner from where i live in middlefield, ohio. they closed shop about 3 or 4 years ago. they made all sorts of rubber related parts....and alot were tires for garden tractors. but i'am not sure if the company of Carlisle closed, but ours did.
CARY C- sinced you asked....i think you should give the old tractor seat some paint and use it on your cc. yea! check out the vault.....you'll see some amazing artwork....o how i'd love to take "Artie" home with me!