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Archive through February 11, 2005

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Tyler, cool! I have some of the disk he made, but feel free to take more. I'd like detail photos of the drive line of both of his articulated Cubs if possible and what ever else you wish to take photos of. THANKS!!!! :eek:)
Steve B:

Might be dead here to you, but I'm new and busy absorbing a ton of good info. I'm just getting started on a 1650 restoration (it's a hurtin unit). You can have a look at my starting point at www.gofastgarage.com (Cub Cadet link). There's some stuff there about my other interests too. I've been reading the archives and saw some comments about the 1650 being 'quirky'. Makes me wonder if I have the Edsel of Cub Cadets or something. Have you heard anything like that?
Well I got a good start on my loader for my 102.




now all I need to do is get the cylinders, valves,hoses and figure out where and how to mount the pump.
Steve B, A friend and I are in the process of putting his 169 back together. He had the whole tractor powder coated. As soon as we get it done i will try to post some pics.
I'll be using my 129 with blade and my 149 with Johnny Bucket to clean up the 40 some odd mature oak and cherry trees I dug up this weekend with a rented Case 850L. The Case sure coulda used an Extendahoe! My Bobcat's wheel bearings are shot, so the CC's will have to handle the duties. Anyone want to come to sunny Florida and play?
Dave A , I asked him and he told me it would scare me and boy was he right. For the sanblasting, materials, and labor it was close to $900, but he has enough paint to do another tractor.
Steve "B,
My winter project, putting on 15#. Spring/Summer project, removing the winter project, and then some!
Steve B. In answer to your post (Its Dead around here), it was almost Dead around here too.

I've had a kind of bad past week, started Monday when they called from the Cardiac Rehab Therapy, where I go three times a week rebuilding my heart after the close call I had on a heart attack. They told me I couldn't come back because they were getting a bad reading when I was exercising and call my Doctor immediately. My Cardiologist scheduled me for a stress test next week so I just went on about my business.

Tuesday 2:00 am I wake up with lower stomach pain which I fought off and on all week and it continuously got worse. Friday Morning I go to ER at 6:00 am and spend the day in the ER getting test, after many doses of Narcotics the pain lets up, finally by late afternoon they determine its my Gall bladder and I need an immediate operation, except they can't operate as they don't think my heart will stand it. After a couple of Cardiologist confers they decide to give me a chemical stress test which takes time to get scheduled. Got first part of stress done late Friday night and other two scheduled early Saturday morning with surgery to follow immediately if I pass the stress test.

Wake up early Saturday morning and feel pretty good with all the dope in me, sit up a minute and when I laid back down a pain hit me in the right shoulder like someone was standing there hitting me with a sledge hammer. I ring the nurses and tell them I think I'm having a Heart Attack, after a bunch of test they tell me it’s not a Heart Attack but something called Phantom pain coming from the Gall bladder, it sure fooled me.

Finally got on to the Chemical Stress test, don't recommend that to the faint hearted, (a little pun there). Passed the Stress test and they took me right into the operating room where the heart worked good for a two hour operation where they found my Gall bladder had died some time ago and was completely full of Gangrene. The body is pretty smart though as it built a wall around the Gangrene to keep it from the other body parts to protect you, in my case it saved me but a lot of people don't have that Guardian angle on their shoulder. Don't know why I have been so lucky, twice in the past year but I sure appreciate it.

Anyway its not dead around here just slowed down for awhile, I’ll come back later to tell how I’m doing on the Cat 0 3-point hitch.
Richard "C",
DAMN! I hope you can shake it off!!! We got Cub Cadets to fix and you zeroing in on the 3 point too.
Steve, our winter project has been dropping a 16 in my 1282. The old 12 had died. Had spark trouble that tracked down to a key switch and melted plug. I have an old donor 782 that will give up it's lift.[not your's Bubba] Should be ready for Plow Day. I'm gonna need a bigger trailer! It was 9 degrees in the garage the day Pat and I made the swap. I was out of bottle gas too. For the real fun project, Pat and I started putting my old go-cart back together. I got it in '74'. He's been buggin me, so it's time to bring that ratty thing back to life. New tires, clutch, seat, a fresh Briggs and alot of welding and he'll be mobile. WooHoo
Hi All,
Is it possible for a Cub frame to twist. Lets say your sitting in the operator,s seat and the left side of the frame is lower than the right. Tire size and inflation the same. Will engine torque cause this over a period of time. I have a 108 and a 1650 (and maybe a few others) that share this same characteristic.
Eddie B.
Eddie B,
Pu that barrel of Jack on the other fender! And if it was me, I'd be for checkin to see if I had lost the bolts that hold that rearend to the frame on the low slung side.

(Message edited by cproctor on February 15, 2005)
Lonny B,
You know I'm not one to mince words,Soooo, here it comes! That mount ain't gonna cut it, Especially knowin you and how you love rocks. Your gonna have to mount that cross bar right to the frame!!!!!