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Archive through February 07, 2006

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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My first Cub (86)
was a bit on the fugly side but I liked it.

Tom H. found a smile in the block.


Of course, I couldn't argue with the price either -


And one more pic of it -
Ted B. If you want to see a slightly newer (1985) dual port hydraulic tractor, with the 54" blade attached, check out the 'Soon to be the owner of a 1712' thread in the 'Charlie's MTD and CCC Parts And Service Hotline' pages of this site...I just picked one up last Saturday
Ted, yes they do. I don't see many cubs in my travels so this was a heck of a find for my first one. I prolly should of bargained with the seller, but I was so excited I gave'm what he was ask'n!
My first cub a 70 that I bought for $ 25.00 with a creeper but no fenders ...lights...3pt ...or hyd lift...

The rest as they say is history... by the way 5 more cubs too.
My first Cub Cadet is the 125 that my parents bought new in 1969. My parents gave it to me in 1991 when I bought my house. Here it is in 1975 that's me in the drivers seat with my youngest brother Kent on my lap and my younger brother Kory on the bike. <font size="-2">BTW, the Farmall C in the background was sold a few years ago to one of my cousins, he has it running again.</font>

Some of you may recognize that photo of my 125 as the source for this.

The first Cub Cadet I actually paid for was a 125 with a Dexter rotary broom, wheel weights, chains, lights, extra lights mounted on stalks, and a windbreaker cab. I bought this in 1993 for $300. Here it is with the 125 I got from my parents.

I've got a few pic's of My or more correctly OUR first Cub Cadet.... '61 Cub Cadet.... Pic's are so old they're still B&W.... I'll have to check My photo album at home to see if I have them or if Mom still does. Then I have a real nice shot of the 70 in about 1967 with the "Dual Exhaust" I got for My birthday one spring.... Pair of those chrome exhaust pipes that peeked out from under the rear bumper of VW Beetles with some large dia. electrical conduit. It was all washed up & waxed..... posed on the freshly mowed grass along side the barn. You could clearly see the "M&W Add-POWER Piston Equipped" decals on the hood that I "Borrowed" from Dad's '51 M. The 70 needed the extra power MUCH more than the M did but M&W didn't make a Kohler Pistons. ;-( So I got the decal instead. I could only mow foot tall grass in 1st gear..... Someday the 70 will look that good again!
Great topic. My first Cub was the 124 for which I paid $650.00. In retrospect, I probably paid too much for it, but the paint was clean and I hate doing body work. . .AND, it was a Cub Cadet: a true garden tractor. Little did I know that I purchased what is known as a slant grill: perhaps the greatest stylistic feature invented by the IH fathers.

OK, I'll bite...

Here's the 1450 that started it all:


Didn't have to pay a thing. Just had to move in with Julie.

Hmmmm - come to think of it, I actually pay dearly for it every day!
Bryan, that 1450 could very well be the most expensive Cub Cadet on the planet......
Tedd, great pic of your first 100 and my second 100, and also THE second 100.
Bryan........SOOOOOOOO......When are you going to make it legal??(get married??) Then it's tax deductible!
. . .Marrying a girl for her tractor.

WOW! What were you thinkin"!!?

You MUST have yellar and white coursing through your veins. . . BTW, did Julie, er, the tractor come with an owners manual?

I better quick qualify my message. Never having met Bryan's better half, I'm sure she's from all he's said that she's an
. . .

<font size="-2">Bryan, you actually married a girl for her tractor!???</font>

As a parallel topic, we should post our wives REACTION at our first Cub.

The guy that turned me on tells how his wife broke out in tears and went back into the house when he dragged his non-running "find" home, and my own wife covered her face in "what will the neighbors think" shame and exclaimed "I can't believe you sold our nice tractor[Craftsman] for this!".

I'm sure there are many more such tales!
Like the time my 124 kept dying while my wife mowed the lawn and she almost to killed me. . .

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