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Archive through February 07, 2004

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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And wouldn't it be neat if someone could mount them on hinges and have them move with hydraulics to that position!

Now I wonder who would have the capability/interest to do something like that????
That note about my father might appear that he has a twin. He doesn't, he has older twin brothers. They are 3 or 4 years older than he is and he was born on their birthday.
Robb ,Thats kinda what I thought when I bought it ,it was the only tractor I could think of with the pto out the front . cub cadets had a rt angle front as an option on the early ones for sure ,I am not sure if it was avail for long.

Kraig ,I did not find any pics of the blade mounts ,I went through cd 1-3 and have to look at 2 yet. I found a couple but you can`t see much. I only have whats in the pic. I posted. I think I remember seeing Dan Hs at one time not mounted and it showed the linkage but I can`t remember where. Anyone know if his is his design or a copy ?
Craic C ,did you ever get the mott going I sold you? got any pics?
My $0.02 on plowing -- after getting tired of the dribbles off the plow end, I added "wings" this year by bolting on 8 inch wide extensions on each end of the 42" blade, but angling the extensions forward. The tips of the extension are about 3" forward, which makes the extension close to perpendicular to the tractor with the blade at full angle. Working well so far, and the wider blade works great.
Art -

Hmmmmm, yeah, I wonder

Rich P. -

Dan's design.
Howdy all....
Comming up for some air and share...

Got this little toy for my b-day.

Back to the basment. I do pick up an other new toy this weekend.
I just got a phone call from Steve Blunier. He and Monica are the proud parents of a baby girl (Emma Ruth)!! Both mother and daughter are doing well.

Now, who's gonna take up a collection for a pink Cub Cadet? Jonathan?
Congrats to Steve,Jonathan and Ryan for all the new little Cubbers! (And the wives too of course..

(Message edited by Kdunham on February 09, 2004)
Congrats Steve and the whole family!! time to pick up another cub for Emma!!
Congrats to Steve and Ryan!

Well here I go again with my hydraulic questions - maybe I'll actually do something with the knowledge this time!

If I get a ported hydro unit for my NF 147, would this have enough capacity to power the hydraulic cyls on my QW loader? I've started up that project again and actually started putting the K321 back together! Once I have that finished and have the x82 series front end painted and installed, I'll be looking to figure out hydro pump mounting if needed. I'd rather use the ported hydro but don't know if that will work for a loader. Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

Steve Selinger - Seems like we had the discussion awhile back about the ported hydro and using it for a loader pump and the general concensus was that it will work but loader performance will be greatly reduced and you are better to use an independent pump for the loader. If memory serves me right the ported hydro pump only supplies like 3GPM of flow.

Congratulations to the Blunier family.
Good Morning, Cub Cadets-- I ran across what appears to have been an archive from BGC (ihcubcadet.htm I think), I think it was around '98 or '99...I've pasted it below. Anyway, is this "old IH parts guy" still around? Are there others like him on the forum(s)? If someone could give me the names or contact info, that would be most appreciated. I have some questions I think they would possibly be able to help me with. Please reply to addy in profile, if possible. Thanks! DanC

“Cub Cadet general information
Well, I'll be the first to welcome all of you Cub Cadet enthusiasts. I hope you all have a fun time here and let us know what is on your mind. I have lined up a couple of guys who are quite knowledgeable in the Cub Cadet world to answer questions for us. An old IH parts guy has been a wealth of info and we'll try to answer questions and pose a few of our own along the way. We do not claim to be a complete storehouse of knowledge but rather would like to serve as a clearing house for information, sources of old Cub Cadets for those wanting to get one, new and used parts sources, reproduction parts,and restoration resources.

Kevin-She is 15 months old now, but thanks.

Ryan-well, I have already hugged you.

Steve - Congrats!!!! Girls are fun too:eek:) One of each, I would call it quits.
Ryan, Steve --


Guess this is a good time to announce that my wife and I will be expecting our second in August. That will put Jack and the little one just under two years apart.
Congratulations to Steve & Ryan on their new kids, my wife and I don't have any yet . . . so far we're fairly content spoiling our two nephews. (and I'm building them a Cadet 182)

Anyone know how DuPont Imron (and those types of paint) holds up to heat? Not that I'm set on using it, but a friend of my brother in law's has a paint shop and has a new brand of paint, he's offered to paint my project tractor for a pretty reasonable price and I think he's pretty excited to try out some of his new paints too.
I used to use Imron on my old Sprint Cars years ago and the zoomies ran within 3" of the hood and 2" from the chassis and it held up quite well and never burnt the paint. And besides, you'll never have to worry about rock ships on your Cub usin Imron!!!!