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Archive through February 02, 2017

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Harry B. It reminds me of a garden tractor pull in Nevada, Iowa a few years ago. A puller drove up to skid and while he did the announcer kept digging into the guy's setup..... " Here comes "so and so" on it's really a Cub Cadet frame and engine and gear transmission folks with John Deere sheet metal and paint..... There he is now hooking up to the sled onn his Cub Cadet with once again... John Deere sheet metal and paint.... "



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""piece of......equipment""


Earl,,, Now That's a Tractor!!!!!


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That "thing" looks sick!
Take three of these and call me in the morning.



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Or Jason's cub could be an example of abstract expressionism using a tractor canvas like one of those paintings with people with eyes at right angles or melting clocks,beauty is in the eye of the cub holder I guess
Maybe a rattle can of federal yellow or farmall red could cover a multitude of sins
Hi Harry
When was the great crash? I was a long time lurker when I got my first cub (around the time I94 was anointed "Avenue of the cubs" and a bit before plow day 1 at the Blunier's) then was off for a number of years before finally joining when I acquired 4 more IH CCs in less then a year.

Did goat poop enter into the crash? Or was that a schism?
Dave W
Ethan your catching on quick!

I'll have to freshen up the front wheels when the warmth returns. My 100 here isn't perfect but in good working order. No problem firing up today to move a small trailer. I'm heading out to my friend's barn tomorrow to take stock of my parts. I'm going to have to remember to make a list....
I'm just glad that we haven't had any real snow here(RI)yet I'm itching to try out my QA36 on my 125 hence the reason I'm so hopped up to get my pto squared away