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Archive through February 02, 2010

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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That's a good price, but what would the shipping cost? That will push the price on up there!!

Dave Ross,
These are the only ones I have right now:

Sorry about the mix-up on the posting location. The origninal question I was posting turned more into a need as I thought about it. Good news/bad news is that the job in question was squashed because of liability issues. They rather make people tromp through snow, rather than clean it up. Someone might sue them if were to slip or fall on the plowed area. This world is so messed up, you can't even try to make life better for people with out the fear of litigation.
To put 26" rubber (specifically on a 782) you need 1" spacers under the fender deck, 3/4" under the rear foot rests, and about 1/2" under the front of the foot rests. BTDT bought the T shirt. It clears chains on Titan Tru-Powers, but not by much

(Mr. Plow on Big Steve's account
Evening everyone, I havent posted in a while but I have been keeping up with what all is goin on. I got bit by the cub bug and had to dig the tailer out of the snow and hook it up to the mercury and take a 300mile trip to pick this up. I didnt think anyone would mind some pictures, I will post some tomorrow after I pressure was everything and its daylight outside. The owner did give me a lil info on it, it has sat for a couple years, some new gas and a new battery and fired right up...the wheel wieghts are scrap pieces from the timkens bearing company. springs assist and the deck and blade came with it.



Piston rings finally got here for the 782! At $23 per side this should be the cure. Now for a warm day in the shed.
Jerry, Hope you get that warm day.Is that the twin motor you told me about? Do you know these dimensions. Ive gotta make this front spring assist braket and I dont have one here? Need dimensions A ? B


I have a car in my shop this am left over from yesterday having a new clutch installed. It will be gone soon and I will get at my O and get it taken apart for paint. I hope things can move along today on the refurbish. Have a great day.
Later Don T
Wayne C.
Your missing part of the piece in your drawing.
A is 2 1/4" to the hole center.
B is 1 3/16" to the hole center.
Next page for the pic.