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Archive through December 30, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Happy New Year everyone!!
It sure is good to see all the new names posting (we just need to get a few of the old ones talking again..).
Special tip O' the IH cap to Charlie and Bryan for keeping the forum up and running for all of us bums.. THANKS GUYS!!!!!
I was wondering if anyone knew when Kirk Engines web site was going to be back up? I wanted to replace the points and condenser with something newer and fool proof. Thanks ahead.
Happy new year everyone and thanks to all.Got my 127 out and started right up after a 7 month sleep.
Happy new year from south dakota heat wave today time to work on the cubs. going to put the new parts in the electric lift on the 147. 25* out today thanks to every one for the help this year.
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!</font></font>
<font color="000000">It is 27* and cloudy outside. Not much to do today so I'll watch the parade in a little bit. Thought I'd share a couple of pictures with everyone. First of all. We can't seem to find any Kitty Carharts for Fancy to wear when he goes outside. Angel found this sweater for him.</font>


Of course he had to then go outside and try it out.

This cap arrived via Santa Mike (Caruth). Thanks Mike.

My New Years Resolution, after two and a half years bieng apart, these two will finally be reunited. Happy New Year.



lylle baker....Re: exploded veiw of 149, If you look up above, you will see a button for "cub cadet parts look-up, click on it... It's good for all cub cadets and alot of implements...

"And a Happy New Year to all".......
Luther, Very nice 127

Marlin, That second picture with Fancy laying on the porch is priceless.He couldnt look more relaxed!LOL

Tom, Very nice 100
nice work.

And if I missed any new people(there are alot of unfarmiliar names!!!)Welcome
It great to have you all here !!
Dominic....Re: broken axles.... while i haven't broken any of my axles yet, my two buddys have, each broken one in the past two years...so they do break...but...it takes alot...both cubs had tires filled, and another couple of 100 lbs of weights on the wheels...this alone did not break the axels, but the "Ramming" of the blade into dirt is the main suspect. they both broke (more like twisted) at where the splines are....We are lucky, as we have a few parts(doner) cubs sitting around for times like those....

also, someone asked the other day if you can use the rear end as a reservoir for a loader project. yes, my one buddy has done this with his 682 (kraig has pictures of it, i think), and has had no problems with it.

and Tom...that 100 is looking great....good job!