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Archive through December 26, 2017

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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I have an outlandish idea I think I want to drop a small diesel into my double stick 1450.Now I have to find a kubota/yanmar something engine like that.Im looking into one of those Chinese yanmar single cylinder clones.....has anyone done this before or im the first nut to try this with a QL?
Ethan K.
Yea, it's called a 782D.

Yes, I remember those now. Real nice Nativity! That is what Christmas is all about.
I can't balance a crankshaft, but I can copy and paste:


Ethan, I am in the process of putting a 500cc Perkins 2 cylinder diesel into a 149/1250 frame. I had to stretch the frame 2.5". Made up some adapters and used the original driveshaft. It got put on hold due to no funds in the cub fund. Hope to get back on it this summer and have it ready for a gall plow day.
Wes-I’m in the same boat I only have $400 in my cub cadet fund as of right now I had to dip into my fund for Christmas.This is an idea I’ve had for a while I’d i think it would be very cool,a Perkins in a 149.... Id love to see some pictures if you could.
36 below this morning!
Power went out at 4:30, Came back on at 6:30, Went out at 6:40, been on generator ever since, LOL
Good thing I've got a beast for a generator.
Charlie, we have the baby brother to that Homelite at the farm. I think ours is either a 5000 or 6500 watt. Hasn't been used in years but it was always a good generator. Well, except it was thirsty. We had it for use up at the cabin but changed over to a Yamaha with remote electric start in the early 2000s and upgraded to a newer, larger Yamaha a couple of years ago.
I bought a nice running 1978 Onan 4K genset to hang on my Mack to power my race car trailer. I need to set up my garage so I can backfeed it for the house if the day comes. Been pretty lucky so far not needing it. 20 yrs back I had a Coleman 3500 and used it for the house once. I was only house on the block with lights on LOL! My new residence doesn't have a plug set up yet.

The old Onan is pretty thirsty too, but does the job.

Wasn't there a genset add on for lawn tractors? Pretty rare to find today? I wonder if you found a 4K watt generator would a Cub run it in a pinch? I don't know what the HP ratings of a twin cylinder Onan is?
Digger-I’m surprised you don’t have one of those big a$$ generac diesel stand by units
Charlie - I'm just taking a break from my break. Yesterday I heard Park Rapids, MN make the national news weather as being one of the coldest places in the US. I believe they said -27F. Now you're saying it was -36F today. I'm kinda surprised you could even get that Generator to start. You must keep it in a warmed shop area.
I guess with the drywalling, painting and other "honey dew" projects, I forgot this one too....


Too late for Merry Christmas, so Happy New Year to All!!
Gerry, I was wondering where you were off to that you didn't post that... now if we can figure out what David K. is up to.

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