Anybody ever notice on the pic of my home made tractor that the right lift arm had a 3/8 racket welded at the top ? Adjustable right side lift arm just like the big'uns ... when you don't have a small / strong right angle gear box you use what's handy and in reach
Those lift arms just had one nut on the pipe with a clevis configuration on the bottom end. I could adjust it while I was driving.
<font size="-2">no comments about the nut in the seat</font>
Richard you could make lift arms like that. They swing good with only the top ball swivel , you can close the bottom of a pipe with a plug drilled in the center for a shouldered rod to come through with a clevis and get away with turning the pipe to adjust with only a top nut. That'll delete the need for a hard to find left nut.
<font size="-2">no comments about the nut in the seat</font>
Richard you could make lift arms like that. They swing good with only the top ball swivel , you can close the bottom of a pipe with a plug drilled in the center for a shouldered rod to come through with a clevis and get away with turning the pipe to adjust with only a top nut. That'll delete the need for a hard to find left nut.