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Archive through December 17, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Lonny, sorry to hear about your bad snow removal day. You've not had the best time these past few weeks. Would you like me to email the rest of this? They don't list it as fitting the 127.


I was gonna comment on that QA42A on a Super GT as being the setup for a gravel driveway but you stole my thunder.
Greg L., just curious, have you removed the lift rod to see if either the snowthrower or the lift will drop all the way down? Seems like something is binding in there somewhere.
Does any one know what the service interval is for checking the brushes and commutator on the sg's? I was having trouble starting the cub the other day and decided the sg was having a problem. After tearing it apart I found that one of the brushes had stuck, things were a little dirty and the commutator needed to be polished. So a little emery cloth and a good wipe down and every thing was happy again. Just made me wonder if it should be a yearly thing or what most of you guys do.
Does anyone here have a pic of the bracket and right had drive set up for a qa36 on a 1x4,1x5 etc . Last night I tried to mount for the first time my qa 36 snow thrower onto my brothers 104. Everything attached nicely, however the belt which I bought new appeared to be too long. The tension bolt would tighten all the way and there was still a about a half inch of slack. The manual talks about setting bolts in the "A" position for cubs with serial numbers 400000 and below. what exactly does this mean and could this be my problem as the bolts appear to be in the "B" position... Thx Guys!!!
Kevin, the A and B positions for the bolts are for narrow frame or wide frame settings, if you had them in the wrong holes the subframe would be too wide to fit onto the 104. Does the part that the 90° gear box is mounted to move up and down freely when you loosen and tighten the belt tensioner?

Does this part freely move up and down?



BTW, If your 36" snowthrower has the A and B hole settings, it is a QA36A.
Kevin, just curious what is the P/N on the belt you are using? Also might not hurt to check this part and make sure it isn't bent or otherwise "messed up"


when I lossen the bolts it moves up and down freely... the tension bolt turns in both directiosn with ease, it appears that the belt might just be too long... I will have to check the belt, but I believe it was a 55---c1 or something to that affect. The frame for the snow thrower is already mounted and appears to be look fine... I think
The Belt I have is a 55053c1 let me guess that is the wrong belt isn't it...

What Belt should I have for this

Cub 104 Narrow Frame Belt for a QA36A serial number q1111
BRIAN B. - Starter-generator service is a very neglected thing on Cubbies. Most people wait until they have trouble starting like You did. I know that's how I do it!

It's probably something a person should do every spring. Pull the S/G off, disassemble, check brush wear, polish the comm., clean & reassemble.
Jason...yep, your hydro probably is a little faster. I was actually a little surprised, the pic doesn't show it well but there is a pretty hard packed circuit around the yard where I can get her going fast enough so she slingshots out of the corners like you would riding a tube behind a boat. The best is where we come from the yard onto the driveway....I even get the 102 sideways
. It's a blast, my granddaughter has that classic white knuckle grip on the sled as we whip around that corner and she slides out past me...she has actually passed me. She laughs so hard and don't want to quit till I'm out of gas. Need to get my wife to get some video of that this year. Pictures don't do it justice, ya can't see the snow flyin off the tires.

Your dirtbike in the snow....I know you loved that. We had studded tires for our hare scramble bikes. Used to take them down to the lake when it froze over to go play
Thanks Kraig... I have a QA36, not a QA36A. Does anyone have dimensions on the 487043-R1 belt. I have ordered one through the Local Cub Dealer, it's going to take two weeks, so I was wondering if a local parts store might have something that works...
Kraig - Yeah, I did remove the lift rod, and the thrower moves up and down freely (with my son-in-law doing the lifting!). With the lift rod removed, the lift itself moves freely from what would be the highest lift point, down only to the point where the cylinder ram is in my photo.

Tonight, I plan to completely remove the snowthrower (and posssibly disconnect the rear sleeve hitch casting) to isolate the problem. It definitely feels like something is out of place and binding. And it's solid - no give or "spongeeness" whatsoever. (Is spongeeness a real word?)

I'll let you know what I find. (Most likely operator error!) Thanks.
Kevin, the belt number you have is listed as the correct belt for the QA36A on a 1x8/9 series through the Quiet Line series. Might even be the correct belt for a QAxxA on a narrow frame. If you indeed have a QA36 then it is the wrong belt. I can measure mine tonight.
Greg, have you removed the pin connecting the cylinder to the lift to see if the cylinder will fully retract?
Ok guys. A few more questions.

What type of fluid do I put in the hydro on the 982? none of the manuals I have actually say. Most just say fill with fluid to correct level. anyway... On cold starting I have a real problem with the battery. any one have a suggestion. I've started pulling the battery and keeping it inside when not in use.

One last thing (at least for now) anyone see any reason why I shouldn't attach a 42 inch plow right to the front of the snow blower. I have a generic plow that would fit if I made a bracket. Will the hydraulic lift handle the extra 30 or so pounds, and can the mounting bracket for the blower handle the stress of pushing snow? it looks pretty tough.

Greg L. Check your lift mechanism to see if it is bent like this:


This seems to be the weak point on the 82 series tractors. Usually when they are bent you don't have enough lift, but it could possibly be bent enough to prevent it from going all the way down.
Finally did the driveshaft upgrade to my 149. Seems better but still has a small vibration. I'm thinking it's coming from the rubber couplers. They weren't replaced but looked good. Any suggestions?? Nick

Nick, you may want to add a second rubber coupler to the front coupling, (or perhaps to the rear coupling), looks like the drive shaft is not fully seated into the rear coupling. With that not seated it might not be properly aligned which could be the cause of your vibration.
Was noticing all the questions about heaters for our cubs...When I was plowing snow last year with my 149 I had to buy a magnetic heater from the local Auto parts store.....
It is a Pyroil model that is 120 volts and 250 watts....I don't remember what it cost me ....But I put it under the rear end on the flattest spot possible and plugged it in....
But PLEASE remember to unplug and remove it before plowing snow.....Worked great...Even if i had to leave the tractor outside overnight.....