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Archive through December 13, 2017

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Jun 22, 2002
Park Rapids Mn.
I might just have to change my sig line after this one! LOL


Hmm, kind of a Mad Max thing going on there....

Kraig M, thanks for the offer on the spring. I actually have some on hand, I stock them as a wear item now
I actually like that.
It's so over the top with mods that it's actually past the point of ugly and back around to cool, if that makes sense.
Yeah, I'd drive it.
I agree with Brian, and Shultzie, it has a sort of Mad Max thing going in a bad a$$ sort of way. After a first quick glance I was thinking it might be from Down Under.

I love the spare tire.
Brian A., I didn't get home in time to check for any UOS (Used Old Stock
) brake return springs yesterday. Now I'm curious if a UOS spring would outlast one of your stocked new springs.
That looks like something some hog haulin truck driver put together
Only thing missing on that tractor is the CB and 102" whip antenna to keep track of road conditions.....
That frankencub has been for sale for some time onC/L in my neck of woods
Anybody know what that wheel weight mounting bracket looks like? I've got 2) 50 lb. plates that I'd like to use on my 124. Thanks

David Q.
I'm not sure what your wanting to do here.
Wheel weights on Cub are held on with long carriage bolts.
NOW, if you wanting to do something other than that, Xtrememotorworks in the box at the top of the page sells these,

Or He has rear weight brackets like the one I just put on,
Coil wire hangers on 149 blower housing....
Were these originally black w/the black rubber dip on the ends?

And/or were they installed like that and then painted yellow by Kohler or IH along w/the wire?

And how would you guys rather see them? (It kinda bugs me to see all that yellow paint on wiring, carbs and such.)

David S,

Those wire clips had black rubber dip below the attaching bolt hole to the rolled end. They were installed on the engine fan shroud and painted yellow, most likely at Kohler.

The black rubber dip is usually peeled of and pretty much gone after 40 yrs use. I typically straighten out clips, wire brush clean and slide a piece of heat shrink tubing of the appropriate diameter over the clip and shrink to fit. Cut a little past the end and then rebend to proper shape. I think this idea was from Kraig M. and is a good one I've used many times. Makes the clips look like new.
David, here's A LINK to where I posted about using heat shrink on the electric clips that Ron mentioned. I came up with the idea while refurbishing my Original. With the Original I didn't have any of the original clips as it didn't have lights previously. I modified some new ones that were a slightly different style to be closer to what the original style were.

I have also refurbished the clips on my 125s. Here's some before and after photos.





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