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Archive through December 05, 2011

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Don T - On your Cub To-Do list, don't forget finally getting the decals on your loader tractor!

I'm anxious to see pics of the new loader lines.
I know this has been asked before but... I am wanting a decal set for a 102/122 tractor but I want to change the model number. Who makes decal kits that will do custom work? Maple Hunter said they did not and I am not sure who else to contact.
BRIAN - The sponsors above, the colorful boxes, show decal kits for the 102/122. They're reproductions of the OEM decals and I'm sure they're very high quality. CC/MTD discontinued the OEM decal kits for all NF CC's 5-6 yrs ago and I got a set of OEM 70/100 & 72 decals while I still could and there were/are differences between the factory & replacement decals. On the set for the 70/100 the model numbers are totally different, enough that I won't be using them; on the 72 the blue stripe is much darker blue than factory but I kinda like it so will use them.

If you want something "Special" like a different model number than stock you probably should contact one of the sponsors or hunt up a sign making company like Speedi-Sign-a-Rama or ???? and have custom decals made.
Dave, oops, I was 8 when my parents bought the 125, not 9. In any case, I bet your son is just itching to get his 107 finished up! For me, the most Cub fun was had between the ages of 11 and about 14. Favorite time of year was spring when the snowthrower came off and before the mower deck went on. No attachments to encumber the Cub. That's when I'd head out to the sand pit to play and the Cub Cadet would be a Jeep CJ2A or an <FONT COLOR="ff0000">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="000000">H</FONT> Scout.
Ah!, to be young again... Hmmm, I wonder how the Original would do in and around the yard with just the ag tires in the 5 inches of snow we have...
Kevin, which decals are you looking for? The safety decals or the International Cadet decals? I've been (very casually) looking for all of them for my QA42 (since the fall of 2000 when I refurbished one of my QA42 throwers). I know of a place I could likely have some made but I've not pulled the trigger on it, yet...




I need all the decals showing except the word cadet...mine never had that...I am surprised the usual decal places do not have them, as it seems a lot of owners fix up the ones they have..
Kevin, yes the Cadet was dropped on the QA42A. I just acquired a QA42A (Thanks Brian A.!!
) that appears to have decent safety decals that I can take photos of to take to Chris at Whiplash Graphics His shop is only about 3 miles from my house. I have had Chris make me decals for other stuff, including decals for some of the products at my work. I asked him a few years back about reproduction decals for GTs and how he thought they would hold up, in the discussion he mentioned making reproduction decals for people that restore snowmobiles. Might be time for another visit. If anyone else has been looking for these decals please let me know via email and perhaps with enough quantity of decals we can get a low enough price to make it a reasonable venture... Oh, the decals I have had made were actually quite reasonably priced, but the price of each decal does go down when the quantity goes up.
I'm very sure the "International" decal is available from Maple-Hunter decals.
Tom, The International decal Maple-Hunter has is for the back of the roto tiller attachment..,Way to long for a snowblower...
Kraig, I would be interested in a decal set to complete this project....Maybe put an ad in the for sale section here and see how many ppl would be interested as well...