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Archive through December 05, 2008

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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OK, here's the story.

I got a Windbreaker from a 147, but I want to put it on my 123. (the brackets are different)
With the help of Kraig's pictures I plan on hacking on the cab and make some brackets so that it will fit. But before I go making something that the "correct police" will ticket me on.....
Does anyone have a junk Windbreaker that will fit a 123? All I need is the brackets that attach to the tractor.
Dear Santa,
It's Christmas Eve, the egg nog has been heartily drunk, and I have but one request: In the year to come, could you put me in contact with someone (Aaron Schmidt, maybe) who can come up with a "cub-owners" partial solution to the "trunnion repair" problem?


There has to be a slip on, bolt on, screw on, JB weld on solution to this problem.
Thanks for the lump of coal, I'll save it for a real emergency.
Frank, I'm not Santa but since that is out. find someone with a about 5 min. that has hot wrench and a brazing rod.
Frank, I'll weld it up for ya for the price of 1 snow/dozer blade spring. Course the shipping of the unit might have some bearing on your decision also...
Looking for a KT17 Series II or similar to wedge in my 682. Not too concerned about the PTO fitting on the output shaft.
Guys I'd love to find a Cub Original in pretty good shape to buy. I'd like it to start and run good from get go,If you have anything like this for sale and you're 2-3 hours drive time away or closer--if possible--Please drop me some mail and foto of two of it and I'll get right back to you on it. I have a 71 model JD 110 could trade you if you would be interested in it or will buy stright out --reasonable price Please. I'm serious is wanting to buy one,So let me hear from you.
Many Thanks!
Looking for a good carburator for a K321. Price plus shipping to 36301.
Thanks,Bob Bowman.
anyone want to sell a front end loader that will fit a 982? I'm willing to look into shipping from almost anywhere, but the closer to Spokane WA the better.

Looking for parts for a haban 402 d sickle mower. I am in need of a lift spring and rear mount. thanks