Plenty of tractor projects to work on here, but there's either no time, or it's too cold in the garage.
Well, I fixed one of the problems by buying one of these..
It's a 25,000BTU electric space heater. I know what you're thinking...
"Eek! Electric?? That's 'spensive to run!"
That's true, but since the garage I have is an insulated basement/walkout set up, it usually only gets to about 40 degrees in there, even when it's bitter outside. This heater will only be used to "bump" the temp up into the semi comfortable range when I'm working in there, so it will run very rarely.
I'd prefer a wood stove, but the insurance guy says "No!"...
Anyway, the reason I'm posting about this is because I have a question on how I should go about hooking this heater up to 240V power.
Here is a (bad) sketch of how this area of my garage is set up. The
<font color="0000ff">"Breaker-Box"</font> and
<font color="ff0000">"Welder-Outlet"</font> already exist.
Should I use one of these to "tap" into the side of the breaker box, basically hardwiring the heater to the garage with a "whip"..
..Or should I make up an electrical cord using 10-3 wire and a plug like this, using my welder plug to run the heater?
It seems like a no-brainer....
"Hard-wire it with the whip." you'd say, but the garage is drywalled, so I'm trying to figure out how I'd terminate the whip where it goes into the drywall to get in the breaker box instead of just "punching" a hole through the drywall like a duffus..
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Any opinions here?