On a side note!
I'm going to be sending contracts to all our sponsors in the next week or so that I'm hoping will solve any future issues that our users might have and will also give the sponsors a better understanding of what is expected of them as well as no misunderstandings between the forum and them as far as the business end of things so to speak.
Misunderstandings and miscommunications are the root of most all problems these days.
ALSO, the garage in it's present form will more than likely be GONE in the next few days as well.
Ya I know I'll probably get hate mail over it, BUT, I think it's outgrown the little usefullness that it once had.
Maybe a CLEAN joke section or something along those lines might be in order?
We're open to suggestions so feel free to email
[email protected] .
One more thing while I'm rambling here.
Bryan will be revamping the complaint form thingy at the top of this page to make it more user friendly and also make a few changes to the donation amounts. We've lowered the sponsorship fees by a considerable amount from what they were.
There are several other sites that do a fund raising drive once or twice a year (THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN HERE)!
That's why we opened the classifieds up to everyone for free! That's what we have sponsors for isn't it!
All that being said and seeing and hearing what's happened elsewhere when someone donated monies. Don't think for a minute that just cause you pass along some dough that it will give you more power or leverage on how things are done here. It won't happen. Not being smart or anything, I'm just telling you like it is up front and want no misunderstandings what so ever.