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Archive through August 21, 2009

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Mike M. Sounds like you have tried about everything on that 128. If you haven't replaced the rod that opens the points you might try replacing that. I have heard of problems with them if they get worn down.
Mike, If you have another cub that runs good, try switching the coils and see if that solves your problem. Checking them with an ohm meter really won't tell you if they're good or bad under load. Marshall
BRENDAN - I still have the letter from WESTACH back from about 1981 where I was looking for a 0-5000 RPM tack for the CC 72.

I always look at the combination gauges to same room but they don't make the combination I want. I'm sure they'd make a "Special Combination" at a Real SPECIAL price too!
Lewis P.,
Thanks for the clarification on your K301A!
Nice pic too!

Allen S.,
Thanks for your Kohler "dual tube" data!
I'll add it to my growing list!

Ryan Wilke
Allen S.,
Just to be clear, when you say <font color="ff0000">'mfg Dec 1971'</font>, you're referring to the tractor and not the engine, correct?

The S/N on your tractor indicates the TRACTOR manufacture date, where as the S/N on your engine data plate indicates the ENGINE manufacture date.
Your engine S/N indicates a manufacture date of 1970.
Interestingly enough too, is that your engine Spec Number wasn't assigned for TRACTOR use. It is assumed it was a REPLACEMENT engine.
My conclusions are based on the info provided at: http://cubfaq.com/kohler_engine_specs.html , care of Roland Bedell.

Thanks again for your 'dual tube' info!
Ryan Wilke
Ryan W., The 147 project tractor I have, has the "dual tube" Kholer. I will try to get the numbers (engine and tractor) posted.
When I go to the cub cadets parts lookup and the first page appears there's a sound like a missle going through my living room. At first I would duck then I figured it out. Does this happen to everyone? I have learned to mute before I go there. I got tired of cleaning up the mess.
Ryan I checked my tractors and i have 2 127 engines that i cannot get information on. I have a 147 that i replaced the engine in about 1982. all 3 engines have two dipsticks or should i say two holers. The 147 info is.


The tag came with this engine new (glue on) but was never filled out and put on the engine.