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Archive through August 20, 2006

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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James, if you have a 149 then you don't have that version of the deck subframe as it is for a narrow frame Cub Cadet. You should have this one, it's the proper deck subframe for a 149 with a 44" or 50" mower deck. If this is the one you have, then the spring is part number IH-59691-C2. Please note that the spring is slid onto the shaft that has the pulleys.


It is possible that you have this one, although it's for the 38" deck. If this is what you have then the spring is part number IH-489607-R4

Kraig, looks like I've got a 44" deck, but the 38" version of the subframe. Thanks for the help.

Other than the tensioning, is there other differences between the two subframes?

This this mix-mash of parts likely to cause me any problems (I believe the previous owner had all of the pieces working togther at one point.
Kenny W: Since I'm being "blamed" (thanks Roland :)-}>...)I'll try to answer...To my knowledge, though shorter in length, the throttle shaft diameters are the same, therefore the same bushings should apply to the Carter 20 Carbs as well as the 26's & 30's. To date, I have had no reason to put a bushing in a Carter 20 carb so cannot be definitive...I am looking around for an old 20 carb body I can experiment on. I have those Hillman bushings in stock, so that isn't a problem. Anyone else know the correct answer to the question, please chime in.

Myron B
The shaft is definitely smaller in diameter on the 8 hp carb. I called Scott Madson and he confirmed and told me there are 2 throttle shaft kits for the 8 hp carb, but he can only get one, of which he will ship me this week. I will post the Kohler/Cub numbers when I get it. Kenny
James, the 44" and 50" decks have the center drive pulley slightly offset to the left side where the 38" deck has the center pulley centered. As a result of this the mule drive pulleys on the front of the 44"/50" subframe have the pulleys sligtly angled and the 38" subframe has the mule drive pulleys straight. Your 44" deck might work OK but it also might have issues throwing the belt.

Here's a subframe for a 44"/50" deck, note the angle to the mule drive pulleys.


Here is a 38" deck subframe, note the pulleys are straight.

KennyW: Wow, I was waaay off. Yep, you are correct. I found a Carter Model N with a 20 throat for a 7 hp. It did have a sloppy throttle shaft, so after a little shop time, I found the following

1. The shaft is definitley smaller. The Hillman bushings are waay too big.
2. After I ground the top of the shaft and got the arm off, there was <u>no</u> counter bore! No place to put a bushing!!!
3. The Kohler engine manual goes into great detail on the choke shaft and some on the throttle shaft. Nowhere did I see any mention of drilling a counterbore for the throttle shaft. Here again, the Hillman bushings are waaay too big. According to the manual, the throttle shaft repair kit part number for the Carb I have is 25-757-19. Maybe there are instructions in the kit. I do not have one of those in stock. Will get one ordered.

Keep me (us) posted on what you find as you go along and how you fix it....I've obviously got some research to do here...

If anyone has done this repair, please post...

Myron B
Thanks again Kraig, I guess I'll just have to try out what I've got and see if it works.
James, did the previous owner bend the brackets that the pulleys mount to so that the pulleys are now straight?
Does your deck have a complete belt cover that covers the blade belt with just a hole for the center spindle pulley or just a cover on each side with the middle open? Correct me if I am wrong but I believe the 44" and 50" decks didn't come out until the last year of production for the 1X8,9 series. The first 2 years used the 38", 42", and 48" decks. The 44" and 50" decks can be put on earlier 1X8,9 but you have to switch the mule drive and subframe.
Wes, good point!

James, here is what the 44" and 50" decks look like.

Had a very intresting weekend.
Was driveing my 102 down the road when all a suden the motor started to race, than die out but race again befor dieing completely.
I had to make it a mile back to my house to check out the problem and I found that the 2 little screws that hold the throttle plate onto the throttle shaft where gone and the plate laying flat actoss the bottom of the throttle body.

Question, where would those 2 little screws have gotten to?
As I did not find tham after I removed the carb.
More than likely those little brass screws are either rolling around in your muffler OR in the process of making new brass valve seats.
It might not hurt to pull the head and find out for sure. If you find nothing there, I would change the oil and flush the block just in case. Just my take on the situation.
Myron, i have one of the kits in stock(25 757 19-S) these kits are not for the original carter carb. only for the kohler carb.( kohler bought the molds from carter, and you can install the bushing with no modification). i cant recall ever fixing one of the model N's, sorry... T
Hi, I'm new to this forum and have a question. I need to replace the clutch plate (friction disc) on the driveshaft on my 1965 Cub Cadet 100. I've looked at the faq for instructions on how to do it, but I need a part number to get one. Is there a good place online to buy this part? How much should it cost?
Lonny, more than likely there in the combustion chamber, or the muffler as Charlie said. if their in the oil pan you got SERIOUS problems! one question though, i've always heard they run their best just before they blow. did yours run real good?( just teasing)
Donald C,

I'm sure one of the guys at the top of the page can help you.
Donald C.
Welcome to the forum.
Check out the sponsor buttons above and give'um a try. I'll bethca they can get you exactly what you need at a fair price too.
Look at what followed me home today, A sweet running 128, with creeper. Thanks Matt.

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