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Archive through August 13, 2018

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Well-known member
IHCC Supporter
Mar 31, 2012
Eastern Iowa
David Schwandt
Going through the $5 totes from the auction yesterday.

Liam is having a ball, I tell him what each item is when he pulls it out of the tote.
Some, like the S/G that was in one and the 2 Saur/Danfoss P/S pumps were a bit much for his magnet though!!Oh, and the HD wheel hubs were a bonus too. Only issue, all 4 are different!!

Also, the fender pan on one of the rollers that followed me home is near perfect and has 2 rectangle tail lamps that are in great shape, not busted all to hell like most.


Earl or David, did either of you see what the 582 brought? Any interesting items?
Wow, that's a lot. Would have been interesting to get out there but it is a bit of a cruise. My 782/Command swap is running and mowing, but I still need to do a couple things on it. Yesterday I was able get my Ags tubed and filled with fluid & bolted them on. The old 7's looking pretty serious now.
In general I thought the prices on complete tractors were a bit high, but way too low according to the auctioneer, lol.

Anyway, I considered buying one of the 1000 rolling chassis, but found a really nice hood, grill and lights along with a good set of side panels for mine. A long $5 bid from my truck got me a k321 block, head and complete but unknown internals and I think a cub lowboy center section of the transmission. Really just a parts day for me. But still a good and fun day!
David, I believe Mike may be referring to the one on your 70.
But probably not, if he wants it for a 169...

Mike, how nice of one are you looking for? I have a beat up one from a 149...

Hi Kraig, I need "something presentable", the current piece is so pitted and has some rot holes.

Whatcha got? I just realized I'm calling it a seat pan but what I am after is the fender(s) pan.. oops..
Mike, unfortunately the fender pan on the 149 parts chassis has an outward ding above the left wheel where it appears to have been lifted or pulled.

Scored this on a $5 parts tractor at that auction Sunday.
Nice 'n' straight and rust free w/a pair of perfect Bargmans

Mike, too bad you are so dern far away!!
David S,

A five dollar parts tractor????!!!!
What did they do, give you a Kodak 5x7 picture of the tractor?
Kraig, that still looks better than what I've got now.

David, maybe the cub network has some travelers? We could try if you're willing? That is "if" you want to part with them?
If Dave don't, I do. From my parts 1450, I'll double check it's presentability. Just no taillights/reflectors.
OK Earl. Let's see what Dave ( & Kraig) would like to do. The 169 has lights in the fenders so I won't need those anyway.
Mike, that photo of my 149 parts tractor was taken over 15 years ago when I first got it. It's been buried in the back of my shed since 2005. It'd take me about a month to excavate it to the point where I'd have enough room around it to remove the fender pan.
I could probably get the seat off in under 10 minutes though. Which is what I first posted about...
Brian K.
Hell, a 682 gear drive w/NO MOTOR brought $700??
It also had an auxiliary driven hyd. pump laying in the front of the empty engine compt.

Marty G.
$5 parts Cub....It was!!

An 1100 for Pete's sake. Really nice (see pic) fender pan w/Bargemans intact!!

Not much else though except an aluminum grill shell (nice screen), Nose piece w/lights, decent dash fiberglass w/good corners, a hood with a hole in it so a lazy ass can fill the gas tank, front axle and rotten tires and a steering column that seems to be tight, haven't taken it off yet.

Do Ya think I got my money's worth??

I had more fun than a human being should be allowed!!
Kraig....I had the exact same ding on the left fender of my 109 as on your 149....fixed it with a 10 inch crescent wrench....can't tell where it was anymore.....

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