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Archive through August 11, 2006

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Keeper of the Photos
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
Kraig McConaughey
I did come across this old post of Bryan M. and Ray L. having lunch or whatever that is in front of them. :eek:p


Nice going', Kraig, ya scared everyone off...
Oh so soon it starts !

Okay so where are the goofy ribbons ?
Bob, I'll never post a ribbon, at least in that context! I came across the pictures of Bryan and Ray, (that Bryan had posted quite some time ago), while searching for mower deck info and figured I'd repost 'em. I'm pretty sure Bryan and Ray were discussing Cub Cadets while enjoying their lunch or whatever that is in front of them.

Thanks for the info and research into the archives. I never got to the mower deck part (yet), I got sidetracked on a guy's dual-hydraulic setup. Just might be the way to correct my frozen factory dual setup!

Boy this is a lot faster! Thanks. Are the classifieds really free now?

John L.
Yes they are free to everyone but you! You gotta pay me in yeller & White that you'll never get finished anyway!
Bob, Bryan, and Charlie,
I'm really like the new "House"! Looks like others do too. Betcha' doubled you daily posts since the switch.
Big day at the Sycamore Steam show on Saturday. Went today and saw a lot of red and cubs too. Parking for tractors will be tight.There are more tractors than last year and over 50 steamers for the 50th show. If you can make it out. I know Mike M, Brad D,Trigger, myself, and Tom H. will be their in full force.
<font color="ff0000">If it appears that your username is missing, first try re-registering. If that doesn't work, THEN e-mail <font size="+2">[email protected]</font> and we'll take a look at it further.

Be patient - this issue came about due to some cleanup that occurred BEFORE the move to the new server. Seems the "remove from group" and "delete user" icons look the same.
Wow, what a great birthday present. We went to Milwaukee to watch the Cubs lose on my birthday and hit a couple of brewpubs, came back yesterday, and a brand new site!
Good job, guys!
Did see a QuietLine next to some green thing for sale on the way up. Didn't see it there on the way back. Would have been hard to get in the Jeep, anyway...
Hey Charlie, Do you mean like this 108 I've been thinking about? Maybe, just maybe you'll see it plowing this fall at PD12!


Thinking of how to make it meaner...
man! Look at all the dust on that poor Cub that's been neglected for so many years!

Ya know if i brought the little trailer, that dust would blow off on it's way north!
Yup Bubba, it was a GOOD day at the ol' tractor show, wasn't it!!!! Butt is dragging a bit, but that kind ain't bad. Will try to get some pix up.
This is how they ran them before hydraulics. This would make for a loooong day.