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Archive through August 08, 2007

IH Cub Cadet Forum

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Keeper of the Photos
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
Kraig McConaughey
Charlie, OK, I don't have an <FONT COLOR="ff0000">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="000000">H</FONT> blade, just snow throwers.
Ya know what would be cool.
Do how to videos of stuff like taking the blade on and off, attaching implements and the like.
But then again, gettin someone to do something like that would be dang near impossible, but it would be neat. Except for the guys on dialup, LOL
Charlie, hmmmm that could be useful on occasion. I have a video camera.... anyone out there want to be the host? On second thought, I bet your right.....
I agree on the "how to" videos. Newbie's like me would benefit greatly.
If I can get my wife to put them on (haha) I'd film some and post them.
Thanks guys,
I asked because one side of mine is loose, but the other is welded, I just wondered which was right. Seems like grinding the spot weld off and making it a loose rod is the easier approach. Any reason not to?
Hey Richard C (3 point hitch master craftsman)...

If it would be at all possible, I would love to get a few detailed pictures of how your 3 pt adjustable lift arms go together. I'd like to make a set but can't quite see the amount of detail I would like.

Thanks in advance

Jason H.
I weld all mine solid, it's easier to use a pry bar like jerry said to remove/put on a blade than mess with the rod.
Besides, how often would have a need to take the blade off/on the subframe?
Roy N. and Richard C. thanks for the heads up on the deck mods. Both will be done come winter. The braked PTO is back together with new parts and I used the gauge which left the disk and casting right at the specified 1/4" spec. Cool! Pics. of a few more parts to be installed when it cools off this evening.



Since you've already got it tore down that far, why not go ahead and clean that little guy up a little and throw some paint at it!
Charlie - If he painted it then ppl would want to buy it. Rust has it's advantages ;)
Y'all are probably sick of seeing my adventure into returning a cobbled, braked, PTO back to original so this is my last post on the subject. I have been extremely lucky with taking apart this cubs mechanicals as far as not having to use a BFH, whipping chains, etc. so I figured the PTO bearing and locking collar would be fairly easy..... NOT!!
They had been soaked in PB for days but the collar would not budge

So out came the heat as my wife supplied me with almost frozen water soaked towels to protect seals and create some contraction. I know my sweat dripping on the shaft helped too.. lol. Anyhow the collar and bearing did finally see it my way and I'm going to put it back together tomorrow.

Next on the agenda is to split the tractor and install new drive line components as well as a neopreme gasket for the hydro. As per Richard C.'s looking for leaks instructions,I found no leaks on the pump seals, tube seals etc.

Hopefully with a 1/4 tube of never-seize used the tractor will come apart easily in the winter for some BODY WORK AND PAINT!!
Charlie, did you look at Donald Tanner's post on the last page? Look at the You Tube side list and watch the laughing girl.Oh yeah I love my 104 & 782, I just wish it wouldn't make me all dusty where I now have to use the air hose on myself after each cut. Yes the ground is covered in grass.
I visited the site of the Tama plow day this afternoon and took a bunch of photos. It looks good to me.
Plow Day this Saturday August 11th
That is a link to the photos I posted over on the WFM site.
Location on U.S. HWY 63 just South of Iowa River bridge Tama Iowa. Hope to see a bunch of you there
Jason, Jerry, Kraig, and Charlie-

If you're still using prybars to change subframes, you need to get one of those little scissors jacks like the one for changing a tire on your car on the side of the road. You can easily spread the subframe apart with it, and it'll hold it there too, so you don't have to worry about slipping and messing up your fingers. I've found many other uses for those jacks, they can go many places and do many things a hydraulic floor jack can't.
Charlie, I spent my best years in Columbus and Ft.Benning.Was that you I saw doing the Airborne Shuffle?On a Cub note,anybody know of a source for Cub Cadet Yellow in a spray can.Got the 1650 apart and need to do some touch-up!

one thousand
two thousand
three thousand
four thousand

On my cub note..

Spent all weekend tilling the backyard and the wife was nice enough to jump on the 100 and pull a pallet around to smooth things. We think maybe we will have it ready for grass by next spring.
I jokingly asked her if I could sell the cub and she replied with, "never!"

I miss the smell of freshly mowed grass.
Bobby B.
I've bailed off all those towers a couple 500 times myself, LOL
And we have some great sponsors above that carry rattle cans.

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